6.Room/Rules 📝

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"Why don't you just give her my old room?" Erin asked. Voight could tell she was making herself a cup of coffee by the ding the cup made when it was hit by the spoon stirring the coffee inside, through the phone.

"I was just going to give her Justin's." He explained

"That doesn't make any sense, mines already set up for a girl."

"I want her to have a fresh start. If she takes your room she's going to feel like she's moving into someone else's space, not her own, and I do remember telling a certain someone that as long as I was alive that she would could call my home hers."

"I'm sorry to say but I don't really think I'll be moving back home any time soon."

"Dang it, what if I bribe you with a Justin Timberlake poster?" Voight joked.

"Shut up, I'll be over in fifteen minutes okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you then Erin."

"Okay Hank, bubye."


"Let's go look what we're going to be dealing with." Voight said looking over at Teddy.

She had been a little more talkative than the day before, but he could tell she wasn't completely comfortable with him, and he didn't expect her to be. The day before they had come home and had ate there breakfast before he called her coach to excuse her from practice. Then Voight had gave Teddy the option of watching T.V., or the chance of going back to sleep for a while, but she basically took him up on both. She initially went for the T.V. option but ended up falling asleep on the couch.

She slept so long he just let her sleep through the night, so they never had time to discuss anything. Both of them were thankful for that because neither of them felt like talking about their situation after everything that had happened that day.

"Okay," She gave him a small smile and got up from her spot on the couch. Her legs were covered in an old pair of pajama pants of Erin's and her hair rested in a loose pony tail, pieces falling out all over.

"Here we are." He opened the door across from his own. The room had three dark grey walls with a aqua blue accent wall. The bed set was all black and centered on the back wall was a full sized bed with a black metal headboard. There was a few things sitting on top of the bed and one of the closet doors was open revealing that the closet had been used for storage but Teddy loved it.

"It's beautiful." She said walking inside and touching the bed. The grey comforter beneath her hand was a heavy down comforter and was soft and fluffy.

"I figured we would paint it and buy you a new comforter, make it feel more like your own."

"Can we keep it like this? I really like it. It's really calming, and whoever designed it knew what they were doing."

Voight smiled. It was his wife who designed it for Justin right before she died. It was a nice room, and he could see how it was unisex.

"Hank?" A voice yelled.

"Yeah Erin, we're in Justin's room." They both heard footsteps and shortly Erin appeared in the doorway. She was wearing light washed skinny jeans with a black v-neck and brown leather boots. In her hand she carried the cup of coffee Voight imagined her to be making earlier.

"Yeah Teddy if that's what you want to do. We'll at least get all Justin's stuff out of here, and change the sheets. I can't even remember the last time anyone had slept in this bed."

"We're not just going to change the sheets," Erin interjected, "We're going to wash all the linens. He never thinks things all the way through." She tried to make Teddy smile and she was surprised to see that exact thing from her.

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