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    "...very sorry to inconvenience you. I'll go check on her," someone says. I wake up in an unknown room. I sit up, looking around. My head hurts. The door clicks open. "You're awake," Titan says. I cover my face. "Where am I and what happened," I ask. He sits on the edge of the bed. "The elevator got stuck. It took four hours to get you out. You were unconscious so they took you to the hospital. Doc said you had a panic attack but just needed rest. You're in my house. Your sister and mother are here too," he tells me.
    I sigh. "Damn it. You shouldn't have brought her here. Now's she's going assume things you don't want her assuming," I say, dropping my hands from my face. Titan smirks. "Things like what," he asks, touching my leg. My eyes widen. "Stop that. I'll vomit all over your bed," I warn. He chuckles, standing up.
    I slide off the bed, stumbling from my lightheadedness. "Careful," he comes to steady me and I flinch away. "Right. Sorry. Come on. They're in the living room," he says, leading me out. I follow him, noticing I'm barefoot. "So what's going to happen now? I'm not going to work if I can't ride the elevator," I say.
    "I'm giving everyone the day off tomorrow so it can be fixed. Especially you," he says. I nod. "Well, thank you," I say. I hear a gasp. "Mai, my little sister are you alright," Vic hugs me. I rub her back. "I'm fine," I say. She looks at me. I smile. She moves to the side and Mom stands up. "How long have you been seeing each other," she asks. I scoff at the same time Titan does.
    "I'm not in the mood for this. I'm going to lay back down. Kiss my ass, Mother," I say, walking away. "Really, Mom? She was stuck in an elevator for almost five hours and passed out because she had a panic attack. Why can't you be sympathetic for once," Vic says. I wander down the hallway and find a door leading to a balcony.
    I step outside and sit down. The sun is just beginning to set. I watch the sky slow change colors. "Mind if I join you," Titan asks. I glance over. "It's your balcony," I mutter. He steps out and leans on the railing. "This view is the reason I live here," he says.
    "It's very pretty," I say. "You should come eat, Mai. Your mother left with your sister. Victoria will come back to take you home later," Titan says. I stand up. "I'm sorry about my mom. She's so... unemotional," I say. He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. I did tell her we've been seeing each other for three months. Technically, it's true because you worked for me," he says. I glare at him.
    "Why would you tell her that? I should flip you over that railing," I threaten. I reach for him and he grabs my hands. "I'm kidding. I told her the truth. Calm down. You work for me and that's it. No feelings involved. Unless," he trails off, searching my eyes. I look away, pulling my hands out if his grip. "No feelings except annoyance," I say. He laughs, following me back inside. He warms up a plate in the microwave then gives it to me.
    "Eat," he commands. I make a face at him. He turns around and grabs two glasses from the cabinet. "This wine is my favorite. You had a long day so you deserve some," he says. I laugh. "Thanks, I guess," I say, eating my pasta. He fills the glasses and sets one down next to my plate. "Try it. It's good," he says. Sighing, I grab the glass and take a sip.
    "Wow. That's good. I don't drink but I think I'll start," I say. He smiles, drinking his. I finish my plate. "So, how are you holding up? I know you were a little worried," I say. He puts my plate in the sink. "A little worried? I guess you could say that," he says. I look at him but he's staring at my hand. "What do you mean," I ask.
    "I was worried about you, Mai. More than I care to admit. When they got you out of the elevator, you were barely breathing," he says. I frown. "Oh. Well, I'm okay now. You shouldn't worry about something that's over," I say. He nods. "I know but it's not just that. You're going through something that you don't want to tell me about. I can't help you figure it out if you don't tell me," Titan says. I stand up.
    "Please don't do this again. I already told you why I can't tell you," I say. He pulls at his hair. "Mai, please," he says. I shake my head, walking away. I find my purse and grab my phone and call my sister. "Vic, come get me. I'm tired and I need to go home," I say.
    "I can't. My car is being fixed. Why? What's wrong," she says. I groan. "Never mind. We'll talk later," I say then hang up.
    I stand up. I braid my hair back. "Titan," I turn and find the room empty. Frowning, I go look for him. His door is cracked. I knock then push the door open. I hear the shower running so I leave. I sit on the couch and scroll through my social media for a while. I hear wet footsteps. "I have a guest room if your sister can't get you," Titan says. I glance over and regret it.
    "You should put on clothes while you have a guest. It's very inappropriate," I say. He chuckles. "Sorry. I'm not used to having guests. But the offer stands," he says. I stand up. "I wanted to talk," I say. His chest is so massive I get distracted. "Earth to Mai," Titan says. I cough awkwardly. "Sorry," I mutter.
    He goes back into his room and I sit back down.  Titan comes back and sits down. "I'm going to tell you this but you can't interrupt or I will leave," I say. He nods. "Alright. That's fair," he replies.
    "When I was fourteen, I was taken by these men in black masks. I never saw their faces. I was given to someone called Master X and he turned me into a dancer. There were a few other girls there but I was his favorite. He would break me if I messed up a routine. And it was always the same song. It never changed. With broken bones, I was still forced to dance otherwise he would kill me. Eventually, I got used to the pain and was able to complete the routine," I say.
    "I was his best dancer. I knew that and so did everyone else. He kept me for seven years. Once I was free, I tried to tell people what happened but they didn't believe me. The only person to believe me was my sister. So I moved here and got a job and now...it's all coming back to haunt me. He wants me back but I told him no. And I don't know what he'll do now." I finish talking and stare at my hands.
    "Mai, I'm sorry no one believed you. That must have been hard," Titan says. I shrug. "Doesn't matter now," I say. He reaches over and takes my hand. "It matters to me. Now, come on. It's late and I have plans for us tomorrow," he says, pulling me off the couch. He turns off the lights. "I thought you said there was a guest room," I say a she pulls me into his room.
    "I'm aware. I'm sleeping in the guest room," he says. I gasp. "No. I'm not sleeping in your bed. I'm the guest, Titan," I say. He throws a shirt at me and it hits me in the face. "Would you rather I sleep with you," he says. I blush. "Uhh...do you want to sleep with me," I ask. His eyes darken dangerously. "In more ways than one, Mai," he says. My eyes widen. I clutch the shirt to my chest. "I'll go change and sleep on the couch instead," I say, leaving the room.
    I find the bathroom and close the door. I change into the tshirt. It covers my butt and stops mid thigh. I turn off the light and leave the bathroom. I get pulled into Titan's room. I help in surprise. "Hey, what the hell," I exclaim.
    "You're sleeping in here. I refuse to let you sleep on the couch," he says. I cross my arms. "Fine. You win. I'll sleep in your giant, super comfortable bed," I say. He smiles. I shake my head at him then lay down under the covers. "He won't come for you. And if he does, he'll have to fight me," Titan says, turning off the light.
    "He'd kill you to get to me if he knew how you felt. Or he'd make you watch as he broke me then kill you," I say. The bed sinks behind me and I turn over. "I believe you but I'd still fight. You deserve to be free," he says.
    I curl myself around a pillow and close my eyes. "What'd you have planned for tomorrow," I ask.
    "It's a surprise. I can't tell you," he replies. I mutter something about shoving him off the bed. He chuckles. "I heard that," he says. I poke him with my foot. "Be quiet. I'm trying to sleep," I say. He grabs my ankle. I start to panic. "Keep your feet to yourself," he says. "I was just kidding. Don't break it," I say, slightly anxious. I feel him sit up in the dark as he releases me.
    I tuck my foot under my pillow. "Mai, I would never...," he says.
    "Yeah. I-I know. Let's get some sleep. It's been a long day," I say. He silently agrees. After ten minutes, I hear light snores coming from him. I carefully move my pillow and scoot closer to him. My heart pounds in my chest so loudly, I'm surprised it doesn't wake him up. I bring my face closer to his and softly kiss his cheek. "Thank you for believing me," I whisper, moving back at my spot.
    Eventually I fall asleep as the days events catch up with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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