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    I sit in front of my mirror. Not able to do much with my broken leg. Master Y made it a point to keep us in check if we screwed up a routine. Mine are always the hardest. He made it that way because I am the best Dancer he has. That also means my punishment is more severe than those of everyone else. My makeup is done and my hair is styled to match my barely there purple ombre outfit. I can't dance tonight though. He told me to rest.
    The girls giggle as they get ready to put on a mediocre show. I wish them luck which stuns them into silence. "Too bad you're not going to be showing us up this time," Amara says. She has been jealous of me since I showed up. Can't blame her. I was deemed the favorite on my first day. Mainly because I was sixteen and terrified of the big men that brought me into Master Y's office. I didn't know what they would do if I didn't listen so I chose to listen.
    Now I'm twenty three and I have to get out of here. I need to get back to my mom and my sister. I hear the music float from the stage and close my eyes. We all know the routines but the more Master likes you, the more moves are added to the dance. I feel myself swaying in my seat as I listen to the song. My arms start moving on their own accord. The song fills me and I feel myself moving around the room. The pain of my broken leg is gone as I let the music control me.
    The song eventually fades out and I find myself in the middle of the room, opening my eyes. Someone claps slowly and I look towards the door. Master X stands there, his face covered by a black mask. They all wear them so we don't know what they look like. I straighten up, wincing when I put pressure on my foot. "You should have been up there with them," he says, filling the room with his presence.
    I limp backwards, to my chair. "I couldn't. He told me no so I stayed put. I don't think I want anything else to be broken," I say. He moves across the room quickly. "Of course. We need to get you out of here. But it has to be convincing," he says. I stare at him in shock. "I- what? He won't let me leave," I say, sitting down.
    "He will if you're with me. Grab your bag and put some clothes in there. I managed to get your phone and wallet from when they had it," he tells me. I frown at him. "I can't trust you. You work with him. You both are disgusting people. Making innocent girls dance for you. Breaking their bones if they don't listen. That's cruelty at its best. I don't trust you to go anywhere. Not even down the hall. Get out," I snap at him. His eyes flash. Next thing I know, I'm being dragged by hair. I grip my hair to ease the tension as I scream in pain. "Let me go!"
    "What in the world are you doing," I hear Master Y saying. I'm tossed at his feet, sobbing. I glare at X through my tears. "You bastard! What'd you do that for," I snap.
    He ignores me, looking at his business partner. "She was trying to run away. Planning her escape. Tried to get me to help," he lies straight through his teeth. I manage to sit up. "That's not true! I was in my dressing room, listening and following along with the girls' performance. I couldn't help myself so I danced even though I shouldn't have," I look up at Y and he peers down at me. "Thank you, X. I'll deal with it," Y says. I lower my eyes to the floor.
    The door closes and Master Y sighs, crouching next to me. I keep my head down. I flinch when he touches my shoulder. "I know you wouldn't run away. You couldn't forsake your family here," he says. I shake my head. He tucks my hair behind my ear. I close my eyes, my knee throbbing violently. "Look at me," he says.
    "If you try to escape, you will not like what I do to you when I catch you," he threatens. I nod once. "Can I get some ice for my knee? It hurts," I ask. He nods, summoning someone to get ice for me. I remain on the floor. I don't want to move and I doubt he does either.


    "Thank you for coming. The show will begin in a moment." Master Y says. I sigh. I'm dancing alone tonight then I'll be forced to mingle and indulge the guests. The lights go out and I take the stage. The music starts but the lights stay out as I take my beginning pose. I don't think as the song continues. The lights come up, following me across the stage. People cheer and say lewd things but I don't care. The first verse ends and I pause to take a breath along with the song. The music fills me. The man's voice fills my head and I imagine myself dancing with him as he sings. The moves change a little but only I will know that.
    Soon the song fades along with the lights and I'm done. They cheer and applaud as I'm led back to my dressing room. "...told you she was amazing," a male voice says. I frown, finding two people by my vanity. "May I help you," I ask. They turn. One of them is my bodyguard and the other looks very similar. "Hey, Mai. You did amazing," Archer says, hugging me. I blush. "Thank you. You know people aren't allowed back here without their permission. If I get in trouble, I'll rip your eyes out," I say. He touches my waist. "And if you did, you'd put me out of a job," he says. I nod.
    "This is my brother, Titan," Archer says. I snort, eyeing the man. His eyes are intense. "Is that your given name or what you like to be called," I ask, leaning on my chair. His eyes trail down my body. "Both," he says. I smirk, straightnening up. "You're cute," I look at Archer. "I have to get out there and mingle. I'll need your attention." He nods.
    "I was made aware of that. I'll be close by. Brother, let's go. The lady needs privacy," he says. Titan walks past me then Archer follows him out. I change into something less scandalous before walking out onto the floor. I'm pulled to the side. "I'll be at table eight. Stop by. I have something for you," it's Titan's voice.
    "You'll have to be a little more discreet than this. I'm under constant surveillance," I tell him, fingering his jacket button. I hear footsteps coming. "Mai," Master Y calls for me. Quickly, I throw my arms around Titan's neck and kiss him. He follows my lead and pulls me against him. "Pardon me," Master Y says. Titan growls in his chest. "Your interrupting a paid session, old man," he says, lightly. Y chuckles. "I do apologize. But she is needed on the floor," he says.
    Titan releases me. I wipe the corner of my mouth, eyeing him. "I like you," I say. Master Y guides me away, his hand on my lower back. I sway my hips a little more just to tease my stranger. I step through the doors of the Lounge, gliding past tables. I catch Archer's eye across the room and wave him over.
    "I hope you like to share," I tell him as I grab a few trays of food. He laughs, watching the doors. "My brother looks hungry. Would you have anything to do with that," he teases. I shrug, feigning innocence then walk away, offering people food from the trays. People tip me even though they don't have to. The other girls pause as I move around the room.
    Someone snaps their fingers, getting them moving again. I ignore them. I focus on the job. Once my trays are empty, I stack them in their designated place before moving around the room again. I pass a table and someone's giant hand grabs my enitre right cheek. I smack their hand away. "Hands off unless you're paying," I snap at the man. He grabs my arm roughly. "I'll take what I want and you'll give it to me," he sneers. The scent of booze floats from his mouth and I cringe. "Let go. All will be forgiven if you release me," I say.
    Another hand clamps down on the guy's arm. "We don't want a scene do we," Titan says. I look at him with wide eyes. "Let her go. She's got a job to do," he says. I can tell he's struggling to keep from breaking the guys arm. Titan applies a little pressure then my arm is released. "You alright," he ask me. There's a bruise forming on my arm already. "I'll be fine. Thank you," I say. He nods then lets the man go. "Touch her again and I'll tear your fingers off," Titan snarls at the man. I wander away, rubbing my arm. I find my hiding spot and take a breath.
    I take five minutes to get myself ready to go back out there. I step out and head back out onto the floor as if nothing happened. I refill drinks, take a few orders and accept many tips. I find Titan at table eight and head towards him. I sit down, catching him off guard a little. I smile at him. "So, what did you have for me besides that amazing kiss," I ask. He smirks. "I have a way to get you out of here. But you'll have to be discreet about it," he says. I tilt my head to the side.
    "And how do you know how to get me out of here without getting caught and killed," I ask. He glances around. "I have a few people that don't agree with what's going on here. My brother seems to think you're the best option. We'll get you out first then we'll get the rest. All you need to do is accept this," he places a thick envelope on the table. I stare at it. "I believe eighteen thousand should help you get a new life started," he says. My jaw drops. "And what happens if I don't accept," I ask, peeking in the envelope.
    "I'll have no choice but to come see you here every night instead," he says. I blush. He takes a swig of his drink, watching me. "Alright. What do I need for this to work," I ask. He smiles, leaning his elbows on the table.
    "I thought you'd never ask."

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