Chapter 1

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Note: I copied all this from my Ao3 account.

Aster's back hits the pipe in the bathroom. Horvath's cane handle is pressing harshly into his sternum but all he can focus on is how dark his eyes are, how his nostrils flair as he huffs. How his hand wraps around the cane length. Aster tries to say something but it's as if Horvath's gaze is begging him, screaming at him to do it. So the words die in his throat. Aster was on all alerts. This wasn't a man to fuck around with. His scent radiates off him in waves, hitting Aster's nose. The scent of leather, cigars, and old dust roll like heavy sludge around Aster's senses.

"You're going to stand there, and be a good boy. Yes? I'd hate to have to crack your skull open before talking to you."

Aster swallowed hard, ignoring the shake in his legs. Those were some kooky, cool first words of meeting. Right? Nothing like threatening bodily harm the first time you meet someone. Maybe he'll ask that cute guy at the vinyl shop out that way. Horvath takes a step back. A literal step back. As in, he does not go farther than a step back. His cane handle is still crushing Aster's sternum. It was cold. "I get it, Horvath. Get your shit off me," he gasps as the pressure leaves, allowing an aching pain to rumble through his body. Horvath chuckles. "I noticed Balthazar is your master... How's that going for you?"

"Pff, way to go for pleasentries." Aster shoved his hands into his pants. "I don't have to say shit to you."

Horvath's face contorts in displeasure. "Must you be so rude? Here I am trying to extend the olive branch. Goes to show no one is polite these days." Aster couldn't help the bark of laughter that bubbles from his split lips. "You threatened me first! Don't try to push that all on me." Horvath's lips pulled into a wolfish grin, showing off rows of sharp-looking, white teeth. "I had to make sure you wouldn't run off. You understand, don't you, boy?" Aster shrugged, kicking a small pebble to the wall behind Horvath. "Sure, as long as you understand I'll kick your ass if you touch me."

It wasn't completely true, but Aster liked to think of himself as an optimist. "It won't come to that, unless you force my hand. Now. How's training with Balthazar going for you?" As if to emphasize, Horvath flourished his free hand, circling it in the air. "It's fine," Aster mumbled after some consideration. "Nothing special. How's your... plans to take over the world going?" Horvath lifts his cane, which made Aster tense. Horvath simply twirls it, toying with Aster.

"They're going fine. Slow as you can imagine. I haven't found the Grimhold yet, which is a hindrance. The other day I found a delightful little coffee shop. Rather a coffee nook, but I digress. They serve a nice latte. Especially with honey - I don't know what they put in it but I love it." He spoke of the most ordinary things, with a lilt to his voice.

"That does sound good, actually." Horvath nodded. "I'll give you the name, then. It's-"


Both men turn to the door where Drake Stone stood, arms up and eyes wide in disbelief. "You're supposed to be killing him, Horvath!" Hovath simply rolled his shoulders back and fixed his gaze to a harsh coldness that sent a shiver up Aster's spine. "We," he hissed as his hands tightened on the cane hilt, "Were having a conversation, Stone. I'd appreciate it if you have some decorum in public."

But Drake was already reeling back to send a blast of magic at Aster, who fumbled for his catalyst. Horvath flicked his cane and Drake was sent out of the bathroom door with a yelp. He turned back to Aster, who was slightly hunched over, hands pulled into fists. "Show me your catalyst, won't you?"

Aster straightens up and tucks himself into the stall, "Why?"

"Because I thought I saw an emerald. May I see it?" Horvath was right in his assumption. Aster's catalyst was a 15th century poison ring, with a big emerald on top of the lid. Intricate carvings line the band, and a tiny, triangle opal sat in the middle of the emerald, parted by metal. Aster held out his hand, showing it off. It sat heavy on his right thumb. The gems glinted in the florescent lights. Horvath nodded approvingly.

"Lovely," he cooed in that deep voice of this. "Where'd you get it?"

Aster pulled his hand away, tucking it into his pockets. "My grandma, she gave it to me when I was ten. It's been in the family for years."

"Well, it's beautiful. Not my type of fashion, but beautiful nonetheless. Oh, I remember poison rings... All the rage when it came to killing kings." Horvath said this fondly, with a sigh. "Do you know if your ring has carried poison?"

It suddenly struck Aster how ridiculous this whole situation was. Fraternizing with the enemy. In a bathroom. Over rings. Aster had no idea where the Grimhold was and Horvath knew that. Aster knew Horvath knew that. So, what's the deal? Why is Aster not battling for his life?

"No," he mumbled, " 'm not sure."

A moment of silence passed between the two. Horvath noticed Aster wouldn't look him in the eye much. Ignoring it, he leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. "I say we just cut to the chase. Do you know where the Grimhold is?"

"No, because if I did I wouldn't be here."

"And it should be said that I do not believe you?"

"You can believe whatever you want but I don't know where it is."

Horvath frowned. "Please don't make me torture you. I sincerely do not want that unpleasantness tonight. We were having such a nice conversation."

Aster kicked away from the stall and tried to make his way past Horvath. "Then don't, and we part ways. Simple as that." But a cane stopped him. Horvath shook his head slowly, tightening his grip on the lifted cane. "You know I can't do that, Aster."

"Horvath, I swear to God. I'll fucking knock your ass out."

"Such a nasty mouth. I doubt you could even land a hit-" Horvath was thrown off his feet by the rolling ground under the floor. He slammed into the wall and Aster made a break for the door. Drake landed a square hit to Aster's mouth, breaking the skin.

Aster tumbled back into a stall door, almost falling onto a toilet. He catapulted himself forward, using the same magical tactic on Stone, but Stone dodged with levitation. Horvath climbed to his feet, leaning on his cane. Earth magic, Horvath thought, Tied directly to his catalyst. Aster was thrown off his feet like Horvath was, but instead he was thrown closer to the mirror they had planted earlier, and Horvath. Aster tried to stand but Horvath was quicker, forcing his cane hilt under Aster's chin.

"Don't move."

Aster forces himself to stop, hands splayed out on the dirty bathroom floor that probably had like, eight unknown diseases and five transferable illnesses. Horvath looked mussed up and was missing his hat. "You slammed me into the wall pretty good. May have even bruised my arm. Congratulations. But, since we're already done... Might as well end you."

Aster looked up at Horvath and locked eyes with him. In a breif moment of boldness, he slowly licked over the gems on the cane hilt, then around the side and pecked a kiss to the tip. He could taste metal, dirt and leather. It swirled in his mouth and made him want to shake. Horvath's face was priceless as he pull yanked it away. "Excuse you?! That's disgusting- you don't knew where this has been!"

"No, but I was stalling for time."

Horvath's thick eyebrows furrow just as Balthazar blew him into the mirror. Aster scrambled up and out the door, Balthazar following suit. Drake was unconscious in the doorway, crumpled over on himself.

"When we get home I'm giving you a damn tetanus shot."

"Hah! Gonna need more than a tetanus shot, Balthazar. When'd you get here?" The rounded a corner and stoped for a second, leaning against brick walls. "Just about when you got knocked into the wall. I wondered where you went."

"I had to pee! Shit, I still do."

Balthazar snorted before grabbing Aster's jacket hood. "Hold it. We gotta get to a safe place."


But I know I'd miss you baby, if I left right now.Where stories live. Discover now