Chapter 9

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Fyi, this chapter will have a time skip, character death, violence and mentions of half-sibling/half-relative incest.


When Horvath got back, he watched Aster climb out of bed, blanket wrapped around him. He winks and turns back to the Grimhold. Aster eyes it, but he doesn't go any further towards them than the couch, which they stood in front of, by the fireplace. Stone and Aster watch as the Grimhold is twisted, and Abigail Williams, the little shit, materialized beside Horvath, as pristine and Puritanical as ever.

"Hello," She said, staring up at Horvath. She looks at Stone, who just looks at her. She turns to Aster, who tightened his grip on the blanket. He was very much uncomfortable being naked in a room full of people - one being a child. "And hello." Eesh. This fucking kid is weird as hell. "Williams, I need you to do something for me. Can you do that?" Horvath's tone wasn't condescending, but it certainly held that aura of 'I'm putting my trust in you even though I don't fully believe you can do it'. Like how teachers talk to seven year olds for some reason. Abigail turns back to Horvath.

"Yes, I can."

"Good. Go and find Rebecca Barnes. She goes by Becky. Bring here to me. We will use her as bait, because Dave Stutler has grown fond of her." Without any other hesitation, Abigail nods and goes off, leaving the three men alone. Aster scooted back into the bedroom and into Maxims' bed. "Stone, go and make sure the Grimhold looks unprotected. We have to make them think we don't think they'll come for it. At the very least Dave will come for Becky." With a nod, Stone leaves and casts spells and charms throughout the entire apartment.

Maxim throws off his coat and hat, pressing a greedy kiss to Aster's rosy lips. "Mwah! I missed you." Maxim said as he stripped himself of his vest. His stomach puffed out over his belt and pants without the ribbing of his vest. "You missed me?" Aster said, rising up into his knees. "Yes, I did. Oh, and I met Balthazar today. We had a nice chat."

"You- you did?"

Upon hearing the change in Aster's voice, Maxim looked back at him. "Yes. We discussed you and the Grimhold. We still thinks you're on his side! Innocent and gentle. It was ridiculously stupid, but he understands know the severity of his careless actions." Aster sits back, hands on his lap. Anxiety flooded his system like water flooding a... Well, a town. What exactly did Balthazar say? Oh, god. Aster wanted to scream. "What did he say?"

"Well, he alluded to my love for Veronica, which I stated it wasn't about that. I told him you and I had been... Colluding behind closed bedroom doors. He didn't believe me, I took the Grimhold, spared his life - you're welcome, by the way - and now we plan to separate the weak from the strong. But, that's breach of our agreement, love. No more of it."

Hearing about Maxims' love for Veronica made those nasty little thoughts in Aster's head go ballistic, but he kept quiet. Aster knew things were culminating and culminating quick, and he no longer truly played one side anymore. Disappointing Balthazar in private was one thing, but him knowing was another. He covered himself with the blankets as Maxim crawled over him, peppering his face with kisses.

Maxims' lips met his and he kissed back. Aster most certainly didn't want to have sex anymore, because how could he? He was freaking the FUCK out. He places a hand on Maxims' chest and Maxim stops. "What's the matter?"

"I don't- Max, I'm sorry. I -" His words fail him but Maxim smiles anyway. "It's alright, turtle. You don't have to apologize. This ain't a transactional relationship." So many things were happening, oh my gods. What if Balthazar corners him in the street? Or in his apartment? He couldn't handle that confrontation. He'd sob immediately. Maxim placed a gentle kiss to Aster's cheek as he kicked off his pants and button up. Aster curled into Maxims' heat, burying his face into the chest hair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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