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I'm Just going to assume that you know who the characters are. So I'm  not doing one of those whole character and their age thing. Bc their ages change throughout the story. Also this is VERY GAY so if you don't like it just leave. And if you like it just stay. I have been trying to find a book about literally any Kpop Idol in this same scenario for so long but I have yet to find one. So here I am making it. It will start in September 2018 bc that's when We Go Up came out not because it's my birth month. And It will go all the way into 2022. Ik most of you will skip this bc tbh people make it way to long and this is already getting to long for my liking but if you don't read it right away have fun coming back to it later lo$er. Ok Imma start now.

(Jisung's Pov)


We were on stage. The seven of us were practicing promos for We go up and Chenle's part was coming up. I know I shouldn't but I just can't help but stare as he sings. He is so pretty. So here's the thing Imma break the 4th wall for a second to explain. I'm Park Jisung of Nct/ Nct Dream, We Go Up is the Dreamies song that came out on September 3rd 2018. I'm currently 17 and the youngest member of all 18 Nct members (For now it's 2018 Bc I want Chenle and Jisung to be together for a while.). Zhong Chenle is my best friend and the closest to me in age, but Chenle is also the person that I have been in love with for almost a year. None of the others know I like boys or Chenle. Jaemin and Jeno hyung have been dating pretty much since they met. Mark hyung is too dense to realise that Hyuck has feelings for him, that's what the whole MarkHyuck summer fight was about.( IK IT WASN'T EVEN REAL but it works for the story so go with it.) And all the other members are dating someone in the group besides Kun hyung he's forever single.(Or is he ;) idk) So you might be wondering why I'm not out when everyone else is. Honestly I don't know, I just don't want to tell everyone and make a big thing out of nothing. Ok back to the stage. Jeno hyung taps me and only then do I realise that I wasn't moving I was just staring at Chenle thank god this is just a rehearsal.

(Behind the stage)

"Jisung wake up, what was that out there?" Mark hyung says to me. While looking disappointed.

"I'm sorry hyung I'm just out of it." I'm lying he knows I'm lying but he doesn't push it, and I'm thankful for that.

"It's ok Jisung, but I need you to snap out of it. You need to be focused. Our performance is tomorrow."

"I will Mark hyung I promise." He just nodded.

"Sungie, what's wrong? You've been zoning out on stage a lot lately. I'm worried about you." Chenle's voice rang through my ears. He's worried about me? "You know if something is bothering you, you can always talk to me. I'm your best friend." Of course, he's just my best friend, that's why he's worried.

"I know Lele. Nothings wrong, I'm just tired. I just want this practice to be over so I can rest." I was lying again. Zhong Chenle having feelings for you has made me a liar.

"I understand Sungie, I'm tired too. When we get back to the dorms we can cuddle and watch movies till we fall asleep. Sounds good?"

"Sounds great, Lele, that's just what I need."  At least this time it wasn't a lie.

At the dorms shit went down. I wasn't joking when I said fast paced. Next chapter will be longer and I'll get into the whole crossdressing thing towards the end of 2019. Thanks for reading if anyone even does. And you're not here to read the A/n's so byebye.

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