Saving the Princesses

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    The Champion Inauguration ceremony was over and so was the brief gathering afterward at which Purah took a picture of all of them.

"I think I have had just about enough of this company," said Revali as he flapped his wings and took off, headed back to Rito Village.

Link was talking with Daruk again, both of them laughing at what he had done. Urbosa was talking with Purah, and Mipha was alone, still trying to catch her breath. Zelda came over to talk to her.

"Hi Mipha, sorry about Daruk's sense of humor," said Zelda. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, just still catching my breath," said Mipha. "My lungs are not as big as yours."

"Would you mind if I returned with you to Zora's Domain?" Zelda asked. "I could use some time away from the castle here, and I've missed chatting with you. Though I understand you're quite busy dealing with enemies there."

"Of course, Zelda," said Mipha. "You're right. I've been busy helping my father defend our domain, but your company wouldn't hurt. And I enjoy chatting with you."

"Great!" said Zelda with a smile. "We can leave anytime you're ready."

"Let's go then," said Mipha. "I can help you swim up the waterfalls, and it will be quicker and safer."

They began heading toward Zora's Domain and chatted about what was happening in each of their kingdoms. Then Mipha noticed Link following them.

"Zelda, take a look who is behind you," whispered Mipha and nodding her head.

Zelda turned to see Link, and her face grew red. She had told him over and over to stop following her! She turned to face him with an angry look.

"Have I not made it clear to you that I do not need your company, and I want you to stop following me?" Zelda exclaimed. "Go back to the castle at once!"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but His Majesty expressly commanded me to accompany you," said Link. "I cannot disobey the king's instructions. But I can follow less closely if my presence bothers you."

Zelda folded her arms as she stared at him for a moment.

"Fine," said Zelda finally. "Just keep your distance."

The three of them continued on to Zora's Domain, Mipha using one hand each to pull them up waterfalls.

"You are very strong in the water," said Zelda as she saw how easily Mipha could pull them both.

"It's a Zora's natural element," said Mipha. "We are most comfortable in the water."

When they finally reached the domain, Zelda noticed Link's friends Bazz, Rivan and Gaddison were chatting. It gave her an idea for getting rid of Link.

"Link, I see your friends are here," said Zelda nodding toward his three friends. "Don't you want to chat with them and show them your new Champion tunic, tell them everything that happened back at the castle? I expect you would want to do that. And I relieve you of the duty to accompany me."

"Yes, thanks, Your Highness!" said Link. "I am kind of proud of this new tunic. I never got a chance to thank you for making it. Let me show them and tell them what happened."

Link went off to meet his friends, and Zelda took Mipha's hand.

"Hurry! Let's run off to East Reservoir Lake," said Zelda as she tugged at Mipha's hand, and they raced off.

"What's wrong, Zelda? Why are we running so fast?"

"Because I want to get away from Link and don't want him to see where we're going," said Zelda as they ran.

They raced up the stairs and sat down to catch their breath on the edge of the bed on the pier.

"Whew!" said Mipha. "My lungs are really getting a workout today!"

They looked out over the water and could see Divine Beast Vah Ruta sitting peacefully in the middle of the reservoir. The waves made a gently lapping sound as they beat against the pier. Just then, they heard voices, and both turned to see Link, Bazz, Rivan, and Gaddison.

"Link! What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" Zelda exclaimed, quite annoyed.

No, Your Highness, I just came to swim here with my friends," said Link. "I didn't know you were here."

"It seems you show up everywhere I go!" said Zelda. "Mipha, perhaps you could take me out to see Ruta? We could have some privacy there at least."

"Yes, of course, Zelda," said Mipha. "I am always happy to spend time with Ruta."

Mipha and Zelda were about to enter the water and swim to Ruta together when suddenly there was a flash of yellow light and the hiss of a shock arrow hitting the water.

"What!?" exclaimed Mipha.

"Up there!" said Bazz pointing upward. "There are Lynels shooting at us from Ploymus Mountain!"

"Yes, and they are using shock arrows, which can be fatal for us Zoras," said Gaddison.

"Here, everyone, take shelter under the canopy over the bed where the arrows can't reach you," said Link. "I will deal with the Lynels."

"Please be careful, Link!" said Mipha as Link ran off.

Zelda and the four Zora's sat on the bed together and watched the Lynels launch volley after volley of shock arrows their way. But the arrows either landed in the water with a hiss or bounced harmlessly off the roof of the canopy over their heads. So as long as they kept sheltered, they were safe.

"Oh, I do hope Link will be safe," said Mipha. "It seems there are several Lynels there."

"Link is amazing with a sword, Lady Mipha," said Bazz. "He taught me several techniques. I think he will be fine."

After several more minutes, the arrows stopped falling, and instead, they heard the roars of angry Lynels and the clash of sword against sword and shield, the sounds of a fierce battle. Mipha's hands were at her mouth as she prayed her dear friend would be safe. Finally, after several more minutes, suddenly there was silence. The battle was over. And the next thing they knew, they saw Link falling from the top of Ploymus Mountain into East Reservoir Lake, and his body lay motionless, floating on the water.

"Link!" Mipha gasped as she quickly dove into the reservoir and swam with all her might to where Link's body lay floating.

When she reached him, she cradled his head in her arms and was relieved to see he was still breathing. But his body was covered with bruises. She swam back to the pier cradling him in her arm.

"Help me put him on the bed," Mipha ordered, and Bazz assisted her in placing his body on the bed.

Mipha examined his wounds and her eyes filled with tears at how bad they were, but she wiped them away and began using her healing magic. One by one Mipha healed each of the wounds, and when she was done, Link's eyes opened, and he looked up to see Mipha looking down at him and the others watching.

"That was very brave of you," said Mipha. "As I promised, I have healed your wounds. But you should take things easy until you regain your strength."
"Oh, it was nothing," said Link. "Just four Lynels."

Mipha gave him a look, and Link had to laugh because she knew he was teasing.

"You're right, I nearly lost the fight, and I would have died if you weren't here for me, Mipha," said Link. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure," said Mipha. 

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