chapter 3

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Shoya's pov

When I was walking around trying to find 1-a I bumped into a guy or a wall? I looked up and saw a guy with blonde hair and black glasses "Gomen gomen!!!!" I say kinda yelling then the guy said "It's fine shrimpy" he said 'HOW DARE HE CALL ME A SHRIMP!!!' I said in my head my face went to worried to angry I then calmed down "do you know where 1-a is?" He then said "it's behind you on the left shrimpy" I then looked where he said and I saw the sign ∆1-a∆ on it I then got embarrassed "g-gomen..... and thank y-you" I say "it's fine shrimpy" I then walk away to the classroom door {not oikawa}


Author-san here sorry for the short chapter I promise that the next chapter will be a little bit longer

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