The Matching- Updated

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As soon as I opened my eyes this morning, I had a feeling that today was going to be a challenge. I felt a sense of heaviness in my chest and a reluctance to face the day ahead. However, I knew that staying in bed wouldn't solve anything and that I needed to push myself to face my responsibilities. With a deep breath, I got out of bed and started getting ready for the day.I took my time picking out my clothes, trying to find something that would make me feel comfortable and confident. As I dressed, I tried to focus on the positive things that might happen today, even as my mind kept dwelling on the potential difficulties. Finally, I was dressed and ready, and I headed out of my room.As I made my way down the hallway, I felt a sense of isolation and disconnection from the world around me. It was as if I was moving through a fog, unable to see clearly or engage fully with my surroundings. But I refused to let that feeling stop me. I forged ahead, determined to face whatever the day might bring.When I arrived at the great hall, the smell of breakfast hit me and made me feel a little better. I found a seat at a table and started to eat, trying to focus on the tastes and textures of the food. For a little while, at least, I was able to forget my worries and simply be present in the moment. During my time at Hogwarts, I had never really had many friends. However, despite the loneliness, I always felt at home within the castle's walls. But today was different; I felt more lost and alone than ever before. I knew I didn't need anyone to make me feel safe, but the weight of my current situation was heavy on my heart, and I just really needed a friend. As I sat at the long wooden table in the Great Hall, I tried to calm my nerves by focusing on the Matching Ceremony. I could feel the excitement and anticipation rising within me as I waited for the names of the new students to be announced. However, as time ticked by, my anxiety began to grow, and I found myself unable to eat. The thought of taking even a single bite made my stomach churn, and I was afraid that I might vomit if I tried. So, I sat there patiently, my eyes glued to the front of the room, waiting for the ceremony to begin. At last, Professor McGonagall ascended to the front of the room, her stern expression betraying no hint of the excitement that was surely bubbling beneath the surface. With a commanding air, she announced that they would begin calling out names, one by one and that each student should come forward when their name was called to meet their new roommate. Eagerly anticipating my name, I settled in and waited patiently as the roll was called.The announcement came out of nowhere. "Poppy Redburn and... and' Draco Malfoy," the headmistress's voice rang through the Great Hall, echoing across the high ceiling and causing a sudden hush to fall over the room. I sat frozen in my seat, not quite comprehending what was happening. But as soon as the realization hit me, I sprang up from my chair, my heart pounding with anxiety and dread.Together, Malfoy and I made our way out of the hall, keeping a cautious distance from each other. I knew that spending time with him was going to be a challenge, but I had no idea just how difficult it would be. I could sense the tension between us, and I knew that even the slightest wrong word from me would set him off.We were led down a winding staircase and through a series of dimly lit passages that seemed to stretch on forever. The man who had been escorting us suddenly stopped in front of a nondescript door and muttered a password under his breath. Without another word, he scurried off, leaving us alone.I glanced over at Malfoy, trying to gauge his mood, but his expression was inscrutable.In a hushed voice, I uttered the words "Alone backward." As if on cue, the portrait before me began to slowly open up, revealing a dimly lit space with several rooms branching off to the sides. Stairs led up to more rooms above, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building up within me. I took a moment to scan the doors of the rooms around me, each one bearing a different last name. I knew that I had to find the one with the name "Malfoy" on it, but I couldn't spot it on the ground floor. With a sense of determination, I made my way up the stairs, my footsteps echoing softly against the walls. Finally, I reached the upper floor and began to search for the room I was looking for. My eyes scanned each door intently until, at last, I found what I was looking for - the Malfoy room. I approached the door slowly, my hand trembling as I reached for the handle. I didn't know what to expect on the other side, but I didn't want to startle anything inside. With a deep breath, I turned the handle, the door creaking as it opened.Stepping inside, I was greeted by the familiar sight of a bedroom. The bed was neatly made, the pillows fluffed, and the bathroom was pristine. However, my attention was drawn to a separate sitting area that had been prepared just for Malfoy and me. It was well-appointed, with an oversized couch and a fireplace that crackled with warm flames, driving away the chill in the air.As I looked around, I noticed a large window above the bed. Through the glass, I could see the dark lake outside, and in it, the giant squid that was known to inhabit it. It was swimming lazily, its tentacles drifting through the water as if it had not a care in the world. At this very moment, I yearned to be like that carefree squid, gliding through the water with no worries in the world. However, my peaceful reverie was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a creaking door. Startled, I quickly turned around to see who had entered the room."Redburn..." I heard from behind me. As I turned to look at Malfoy with desperate eyes, hoping that he would offer me some kind of solace, he seemed to read my mind and opened his mouth to speak. For a moment, I felt a glimmer of hope that he would say something sweet and empathetic, maybe even offer to help me leave this uncomfortable situation. But instead, he let out a deep sigh and uttered the words that shattered my hopes: "I call the bed." It was as if he had no regard for my feelings or the gravity of the situation at hand. His words left me feeling even more alone and helpless than before.

a/n- new chapterrrrrr what do we think? I honestly will forget about wattpad and im so sorry. I just think its best for me to try to update and post as life goes on. My boyfriend has been very encouraging towards my writing goals though so this seemed like a good way to get back into it. 

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