The Feast- UPDATED

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During the remaining train ride, I tried my best to keep as much distance as possible from Malfoy. I knew he was still upset with me, and I didn't want to worsen things. I could feel his cold stare piercing through me every time I looked his way. It made me feel uneasy and uncomfortable, but I tried my best to remain calm and collected. As I sat there, I couldn't help but think about how much I wanted to be friends with everyone, including Malfoy. Deep down, I knew that he was just misunderstood and that he needed someone to talk to. I made a mental note to myself that I would try to befriend him someday. After all, I wanted to be there for everyone and help them in any way that I could.

After a long and tiring journey, the Hogwarts Express finally arrived at its destination. I heaved a sigh of relief as I realized that I could finally get away from Malfoy's constant taunting and mocking. As soon as the train came to a halt, I quickly gathered my belongings and rushed out of the cramped cabin, eager to stretch my legs and escape the uneasy atmosphere. Carrying only the bare essentials for the night, I made my way out of the train with a sense of renewed energy and excitement for the adventures that awaited me at Hogwarts. I made it off the train before most people were able to and was able to escape to the entrance of Hogwarts.As I made my way into the bustling dining hall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement in the air. The room was filled with the chatter of students catching up with each other, and the aroma of delicious food filled my senses. I looked around but didn't see anyone that I recognized. I was relieved at the prospect of sitting alone and enjoying my meal in peace. As I was lost in my thoughts, the first-year students began to make their way into the hall. I watched as they filed in, their eyes wide with anticipation, eager to find out which "family" they would be sorted into. It was always one of my favorite parts of the first night, seeing the joy and excitement on their faces.

Before I knew it, the sorting ceremony was over, and the food was being served. The smell of roasted chicken, buttery mashed potatoes, and freshly baked bread wafted over to me, making my mouth water. I realized that I was hungrier than I thought I was and eagerly filled my plate. As I savored my first bite, I noticed that someone was staring at me from across the great hall. I didn't want to look up and catch their eye, but I couldn't help but feel curious about who it could be. Nonetheless, I decided to focus on my meal and let the mystery linger. As the day drew to a close, exhaustion weighed heavily on my body. All I could think about was getting back to my dormitory and collapsing onto my bed. Suddenly, Professor McGonagall's voice boomed through the Great Hall, interrupting my thoughts. She announced that all sixth and seventh-year students were to remain in the hall after dinner. My confusion was quickly replaced by a sense of unease. What could be so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow? As the younger students finished their meals and filed out of the hall, a tense silence settled over the room. Nervous whispers filled the air, and my heart rate quickened with anticipation. I couldn't shake the feeling that something ominous was about to be revealed."As you are all aware, the wizarding war caused immense destruction and resulted in the loss of many valuable lives. As a result, the Ministry of Magic has put in place certain measures to tackle the issue of population replenishment. The Ministry has passed a new law that requires all witches and wizards who are of age to get married and have children. This law is aimed at ensuring that the magical community continues to thrive and that the loss suffered during the war is compensated for. I understand that this may sound overwhelming and that you may have many questions. Therefore, I urge you all to listen very carefully as I read out the law." McGonagall rambled on. The atmosphere in the room was tense as everyone listened to the announcement of a new law.

"According to the law, every individual in the room is to be matched with another person and they have a year to get married and have a child who has both magical parents." As soon as this news was shared, everyone's expressions changed to a mix of confusion, shock, and anger. People were quick to voice their concerns and objections. Even the usually agreeable Hufflepuffs were not in favor of this new law. Even though it could potentially benefit the community, the thought of being forced to marry and have a child with someone they were randomly matched with was unsettling and uncomfortable for everyone.

"I will see all of you in the great hall after breakfast so that we can match up everyone. You all have been paired together by the ministry with the same magic as the sorting hat. I am so sorry for springing this on everyone suddenly. Have a good night and sleep well." With that, she was finished and gone. Her long robe fell behind her as she walked away. As I sat there, feeling helpless and defeated, I knew deep down that there was nothing I could do to salvage the situation. With my mind racing and my heart heavy, I decided to retire to my bedroom and lay down for the night. Despite the overwhelming sense of anticipation and anxiety that hung in the air, I tried to calm my nerves and focus on getting some rest before the all-important matching process would take place in the morning.

A/N- Anotherrrr chapterrrrr released. I love getting to put the new update in the chapter. So far we've got 20ish chapters to release and I can't wait. I said that there were going to be longer chapters coming soon and this is obviously one of those. I hope that ya'll enjoy the longer parts and I'll see you at the next chapter!

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