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TWs in first A/N wont be at the top of chapters


"You ready to go kiddo?" Phil asks I nodded in response

-Tommy pov-

We all walked out of the office to the car. As we were walking out I saw a kid maybe a year younger than me being shoved back into the building by some random family who i can only assume they are returning the younger. I kept my head low, did not make eye contact and kept walking until we made it to the car. I put my stuff in the trunk and got into the car.

I was sitting next to Wilbur in the back seat while Technoblade was in the passenger seat next to phil. The car ride home wasn't too bad; it was maybe a 15 to 20 minute drive from the foster care place.  The house was HUGE! Well at least a lot bigger than the houses I've been to before.

"Welcome home tessa" Phil started "Wil, will you show her to her room please" Phil finished 

"Yes dad. come with me please" Wil said. I walked to grab my bag but Phil stopped me and said that he'd do it which led me to keep telling him that I could carry it. I didn't even notice that while I was trying to get my bag we had already made it inside.

"go with will up to your room" Phil said. I just sighed and followed Wilbur up the stairs with Phil behind me with my bag. Each room we passed wilbur told me whose room it belonged to until we made it to the end of the hall where he stopped and faced towards me

"Your room miss" he started I hated that. I just stood there not really knowing whether he was going to open the door or if this was some kind of joke. "open the door," Wilbur continued eagerly. I opened the door and saw a nicely laid out room 

[a/n im letting you choose what the room looks like cuz i suck at decisions] 

"Maybe we can go out tomorrow and buy some stuff so you can decorate it the way you like" Phil started "we can also get you some more clothes it doesn't look like you have much." He finished.  I was shocked. I never got new clothes all of them were hand me downs from other people at the foster care place. [a/n idk what to call it lol]. I didn't want to make them spend money on me, especially if they are just gonna send me back.

"no no you don't have to spend your money on me i've got plenty of clothes" I said starting to panic to which Wilbur saw this and hugged me. I flinched at the contact and tried to push him away but couldn't so I just gave up and let the tall boy hug me.

-Wilbur pov-

Tessa started panicking. I was about to go find techno but i just decided it would take to long and so i hugged her. She flinched really bad at the contact and was trying to push me away but I wouldn't let her. After a minute or two she just gave up and stood there letting me hug her.

I didn't notice but dad had left the room and techno was standing in the doorway. It took 5 to 10 minutes for Tessa to calm down. Techno ended up sitting next to me and switching to where he was hugging tessa. 

'Huh, techno never gives hugs,' I thought to myself. 

Dad came back up after a bit and said "Lunch is ready. Tessa you don't have to eat downstairs if you don't want to" to which tessa just shook her head

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