Chapter 1 - pt 2

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Part 2:

Todd looks around.
"I've never been in a spaceship before!"

"WHERE'S THE KABOOM?!?!" An echoing voice cries.

Todd jumps at the echoing voice.
He knocks over a bucket.
(Cause... ya know... there's usually a random object...inside of spaceships... that someone knocks over...for some reason?)

"What was THAT noise?" The muffled voice yelps.

Todd creeps closer to the sound of the voice. He sees a large screen. Underneath the screen, a large controller panel. In front of the panel, a tall chair.

The chair spins around to reveal a small martian.
No mouth or nose, just a pitch black face with two wide eyes. Cool outfit, though.
Big white shoes, some sort of green skirt and matching helmet, a red shirt...

The little martian faces the human. He realizes what the problem is. He turns back to the panel.

"Oh marbles! I clicked the 'abduction' button instead of the 'destruction' button!"
The martian exclaims.

"Hey, so... do you think you can get me back to Earth-" As Todd tries to speak, the martian leaps out of his chair.

The martian turns towards Todd. This time, he's holding a laser gun.

"FEAR ME, EARTHLING!!!" The martian shouts.

"WOAH WOAH WO-" Todd yells. His hands cover his face.

The martian hesitates. He stops.
The gun points down.
The sound of a laser forming... suddenly stops?

Todd peaks through his fingers. The small figure stares.

"Where... did you get that tie?"
The martian is curious.

Todd looks down at his suit, remembering he's still wearing one.

"Uhhh.." Todd is trying to remember how he got *any* formal clothing.

"YES! A TIE! The perfect accessory!"
The martian's eyes light up.
"It will go SO NICELY with my outfit!"

"You... like my tie?" Todd has no idea what's happening at this point.

"Hmmmmm," the martian begins to ponder, "Tell you what, earthling..."

Todd: "Yeah?!?"

Martian: "You will give me that tie in exchange for your freedom..."

Todd: "THAT'S it? Oka-"

Martian: "Also, I will need directions to the nearest MOON! If we leave soon, EARTHLING, we can make it just in time!!!"

"The moon?" Todd points over his shoulder towards a window.

The moon is right behind the spaceship.

"WONDERFUL!" The martian cries. "I'll look my very best!"

"Hey, so, I'm kinda new to the whole 'outer space' thing..." Todd explains. "So... you wanna tell me... like... what's going on? Or, you know, who you a-"

"EVERY YEAR," the martian begins, "there is a FORMAL BALL on EVERY MOON IN THIS GALAXY! Of course, EARTHLING, the gathering is followed by A BATTLE!

Todd: "WHAT?!?"

Martian: "MOON MADNESS! The BEST time of the year!"

Todd: "MOON MADN—"

Martian: "My ORIGINAL plan, EARTHLING, was to EXPLODE  the Earth... and THEN go to the moon for ~CELEBRATION~"


Martin: "NOW... It seems I'll have to celebrate *BEFORE* the Earth's destruction.  LUCKILY, I don't have to look far to look good-"  '😌'

Todd: "Soooo do you think you can do the 'Moon Madness' thing... *WITHOUT* the whole... 'DESTROYING EARTH' thing?

Martian: "Who are YOUUU... EARTHLING?!? Telling ME what to do with MY..."

Todd: "I'm Todd... from... Earth?"

Martian: "Well, 'TODD FROM EARTH'!
I'M Marvin The Martian! I WILL have my KABOOM!" Marvin points to the ceiling and yells in pride.

Laser gun still in hand, Marvin accidentally shoots a hole in the ceiling.

(The hole isn't big enough for much air to escape... so yeah...Todd's not dead :))

"Whoops." Martin stares at the new-found flaw in the ceiling.

"Okay, Marvin," Todd steps towards Marvin.
"I'll give you my suppeerr coolll tie... under ONE condition!"

Marvin: "CONDITION?!"

Todd: "You DON'T blow up the Earth AFTER you GET. CRAZY. ON. THE. MOON!"

Marvin looks skeptical.

Marvin: "Hmmmm... Tell you what, EARTHLING! I will NOT blow up the Earth!!

Todd: "HORRA-"


Todd: "OH N-"

Marvin: "AND... I will have an EARTHLING to help me WIN...ULTIMATE POWER!!!

Todd: "Aw, shit."

Marvin rips the tie of Todd's suit.



~To be continued~

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