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     -Knocking is heard once again on my office door. I sweat as I actually knew about my beloved friend. He may be nice, but...he is sometimes, well different when he's disappointed...

    -"Felix...Please open the door." Jack asked again. Him pounding on my door worries me the most. I stood up slowly off my desk, losing all of my words, making me speechless. I gulped as I reached for the handle.

     -No. I'm stressing alot today. That can't be true what Brain have said. Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong. I'm just stressing out, my mind is making up tricks again. Like I get it, maybe he did saw me with an woman yesterday but lamppost? I think he mistaken it, like always. There's no possible way I like an 'stupid lamppost'. "Maybe I'm thinking too much...IDK?!"

     -"Okay...." My mind cried as I held on the noble. I opened the door "calmly" as I stood right next to the man himself, Jack Walten.

    -"H-hey buddy..." I laughed a bit. Looking at his eyes, I can't tell if he's disappointed or not. I chuckled some more as he stares at me.

    -"Hello Felix." Jack introduced. I acted normally.

    -"So, how's your day going pal?" I asked. It scares me that the look on Jack's can be bad luck. I hope Brian didn't tell him about the drama happening about me. I joke-ly laughed. Jack's dead stare is horrific when it comes to something...well bad...I chuckled some more as I sweat a bit down my neck.

     -"Did you turn in the daily papers? We're having an problem, an weird problem with our papers not receiving today." He said, confused. I sighed in relieved. Haha...just an freak out in mind. I'm just overthinking too much :).

     -"Um no. But, I did have the papers on my desk right now if you want it." I relieved myself and pointed at my desk. Jack smiled and patted on my shoulder. I fixed my tie again like always. Jack walked through me and standed by my desk. He picked up some papers and checked the label dates. I followed behind him.

     -"Thank you buddy." Jack laughed. "You're an lifesaver, like always." I chuckled too as like I didn't have an fucking breakdown in my own thoughts an minute ago. Jack hold on the papers neatly. "I don't know what's funny about is that you've been looking like you've been sweating in a marathon before entering in." He laughed.

    -"WhAt NOOoooo?!..." In surprise, I joked. "Noooo, I wasn't, you know stress and all of that?" I smiled. How?!? I thought he won't notice. But Jack knows I'm an stressful person, so he might know about it. Jack frowns. His shoulders dropped as he came close to me.

    -"Hey, if you're suffering with something, tell me. We're buddies right?" He asked calmly. "Tell me.." I sweated more now. I shaked in stress and fear. Oh god, what can I say???

    -what can I say???...

    -"U-Um...well...nothing, it's just that..well um..." I whispered. All of this stress is not letting me say not a single word.

    -"Felix. Say something...I can take it for you..." Jack warned. His stare in his eyes is all I fear off. His stare is very dead inside. I don't want to

    -"OH, LOOK, Jack! T-The time!" I pointed at the clock to get his attention. Jack turns around to see. He stood up straight fast and grabbed the papers. I got off of my crooked stand as I also stood up.

    -"Time is running out and we have to open up this restaurant." He looked at me as he walked to the door. "We'll talk about this later Felix, we'll see if your better soon." He smiled as in a worried way. The next second he was gone walking to the side of the rooms. I fixed my crooked glasses as I walked through my door. Well, stress, stress go away, your just having an freak out again. I thought to myself. I tried to forget about the argument with Brian in the morning, well, Brain can be lying after all. I walked out of my door and locked behind. But as then I turned around to face the hallways, Brian was there, staring at me dead. Silence. I also stared awkwardly. He looked at me like the look of knowing some secrets of my mind. We both stared dead but I snapped out of our glaze. I waved my hands fast at him and walked away form Brian's view.

    -Oh god. It was Brian's problem with me, now, Jack's is now in my shoulders now. But whatever I must do, I have to stay away form them for right now...

(Haha Felix stream hahaha bonnie)

Light to my Dark (Felix x Lamppost)Where stories live. Discover now