Sammy. Stranger?

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A/n : so I've thought of something while reading the comments of my previous book and I feel like a real dum dum because people don't have the same nationality as Y/n so.
If you want Y/n has your nationality but they lived in France so they are French I geuss. I don't know I suck at this stuff. You can have Y/n speak your language I geuss.
I really never thought this through.
It's a mess

"T/p , T/p! Reveille toi on est la"
*Y/n , Y/n! Wake up we're here.

My dad tapped my shoulder, to get me up.
I then sat up still tired.

I looked out the car and saw the house. It was nice , it was a beige , or pale yellow. I couldn't tell due to the fact it was dark. It had two floors which was cool , it was bigger than our last house so I couldn't complain.

Dad then got out , I followed soon after.

"Le camion de déménagement n'est toujours pas là??"
*Is the moving van still not here??
He exclaimed.

"Apparemment pas."
*Apparently not.
I said looking down the road to see whether or not van was just behind.

"Ils ont peut être loupé la tourné près du passage de terre"
*They might have missed the turn near the dirt path.

He nodded
"Ça paraît plus probable , bon on va juste attendre. Je les appelleraient si ils ne sont toujours pas là , pour voir où ils sont. Tu as tes affaires dans ton sac oui?"
*That does seems most likely , well we'll just wait. I'll call them if they still aren't here in a while to see where they are at. You have some stuff in your bag yes?

"Ouais quelques vêtements , brosse á dents et mon cahier de dessin."
*Yea some clothes , toothbrush and my art book.
My other stuff was in the moving van , probably should've just put it in the trunk. Damn it.

"Bien alors allons à l'intérieur et regardons l'endroit."
*Well than let's go inside and check the place out.
He then grabbed the keys and unlocked the door.
We both went inside with our stuff , it was cold not that different than France really.

I decided to explore the house and check out the rooms.
I chose a nice room as my bedroom it was not crazy big but it was a nice size.
I also had a view on the neighbours house , their house were very familiar too ours beside it being a nice shade of blue.


I was laying on the inflatable mattress while looking at the ceiling. Just daydreaming.
Eventually I fell asleep.



I smacked my phone trying to grab it , I then turned off the alarm that I had forgot to turn off from last night , it was for leaving to England.
It was 5 am. So I decided to just chill in bed doing whatever.

6:56 A.M

I got out of my room after getting dressed. And grab my art book. Putting a pencil in my pants.@
I went downstairs to see my dad who was on the phone , I didn't pay too much attention but I think he was talking to the moving van drivers.
He then ended the call.

"Well Y/n it seems as if they won't be here until noon or sometime around then."

I nodded
"Pourquoi tu parles en Anglais tout d'un coup?"
*Why are you speaking in English all of a sudden?
It wasn't too uncommon as in France he spoke to me in English from time to time to help my English out , so I got good grades in English thanks to that.

"Well we are living here now , it might be good to help your English more." He said.

"Ah ok" Makes sense , but don't know how I feel about just speaking English all the time.

"Well I'm going to head out see ya."

"D'accord , take some money for some food , since we don't have any. I need to go shopping.

He handed me five pounds. I thanked him and headed out.
As I was walking down the sidewalk , someone started walking beside me.

"Hey there!"

It was a girl she seemed to be my age

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It was a girl she seemed to be my age. They were close to my height slightly shorter/taller than me.

"Um hi." I said. I mean I don't really get people running up to me to say hi. Strangers nonetheless.

"I'm Sammy just call me Sam."


"Oh right I geuss its kind of weird for a random person just coming up to you like that. It's just , I know almost everyone around here. Sooo new neighbours are cool to have."

"Yeah we just moved here yesterday evening."

"Oh ok." She then looked at my art book.

"Do you draw?" She questioned.

"Yeah , you want to look?" I mean usually that's what everyone asks after.

"Sure , I was going to ask that question too. Are you physic or something?" She laughed slightly as she started looking through the drawings.

"After drawing a lot and just bringing the book with me people usually ask , or they just watch from over your shoulder." I explained.

"Mh hm. Actually I never asked your name."

"It's Y/n , L/n."

"Cool! Sweet name."

I thanked her. We ended up talking , while I walked her to her school as I had nothing else to do.
Turns out it was the same that I would have to go to tomorrow.

"Well , see you around!" She waved goodbye heading into the school , the bell hadn't rung yet and all the other teens were still arriving or just chilling outside talking to each other.

I decided to leave and go get some snacks.

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