Wait! You know each other!??

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New key words : D/n = Dad Name


I was walking through the Isles seing if they have any of the snacks or drinks I like , after a while of wandering I ended up finding it and grabbed a bottle of water.
'Meh I don't feel like having some fizzy drink'

I walked up to the cashier grabbing the money that dad had gave me the morning preparing to pay her.

"Alright. That'll be 3,67 hun." She said , I handed her the money and she gave me the money back.

"Say are you new around here?" She asked crossing her arms and leaning on the counter.

"Oh , um yea. We just moved here yesterday evening. How did you know?" I asked grabbing the snack and bottle.

"It's not that hard. This is a pretty small town and I know all the faces around here , well except you."

We ended up talking a bit more before saying our goodbyes.
As I headed out of the shop , I noticed that there was a group of boys heading behind the school.
I didn't pay too much mind to it since its not the first time I've witnessed kids skipping classes. So I just went at a bench near the school and started eating my f/s , and simply enjoying the peace and quiet.

Until heard some noise behind the school , I would've just ignored it if I hadn't heard some faint sobbing.
Alright now I'm curious.

I grabbed my stuff and chucked the empty f/s in a nearby bin and went of to investigate.


Peeking my head around the wall making sure to not get noticed , I watched the drama unfold.
It was the same group of boys , they has some weird fashion or cult thing going on just wearing different animal mask , they seemed eerie but cute in a sort way.
I changed my focus to the other kid who was crying.
He seemed to be bruised up , he looked maybe a year or two maybe even younger that , he was trying to push his way out of  but they simply shoved him back.

"Aaww! What's the matter crybaby? Come on we aren't that strong!" One of them teased , mimicking a sobbing pose.

"Just leave me alone! You guys are being Jerks!" The boy yelled this time looking far more irritated than sad. He then lifted his arms looking like he trying to intimidate them.

"Pff what are you going to do about it?" The fox said.

Alright this is starting to go too far.
I walked around the boys back facing me.

"Hey. He said leave him alone." I said trying to stay calm.

They then turned around , the younger kid seemed far more relieved at having someone else here.

"What are you going to do about it then?" The bunny asked mocking me slightly.

"Guys just- come on leave him alone." In this case resolving to Violence won't exactly help or be in my favor as they outnumber me.
As I was talking to them the little kid pushed himself through  taking advantage of the fact that they were distracted.
He than grabbed my hand and started running dragging me alongside him.

"OI! What the- get back!"
They then started to chase after us , I ended up being the one to drag the boy with me.

"I live close by! We'll be able to hide from them if we get out of their sight.
He nodded his head as we started to run out of energy.
When we arrived I noticed that the moving van had arrived and the workers were grabbing the stuff and moving it in.

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