Too late

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    The soft tapping of Jareth's boot against the floor of the castle was the only noise heard. In the middle of the room, a small child lay, engulfed by plush fabrics, protecting the sleeping babe from the cold concrete. The labyrinth runner would arrive soon for their final confrontation. Jareth was sat in his throne, one leg over the other. The past few runners he'd encountered had said their right words, successfully returning themselves and the child they'd wished away back home.

   His goblins had grown annoyed by the lack of new friends, but they otherwise managed, usually finding new small animals to abuse. Jareth never let them actually harm the beings, but they enjoyed dressing up the chickens and chasing stray cats. Jareth looked over at the grand clock across the room. 12:47. He opened his palm and a crystalline sphere appeared in his hand. He looked into the crystal, watching as the runner stumbled up the staircase to the castle.

    The sound of the large steel double doors rang throughout the room. His gaze travelled over to the small young woman standing in the door way, looking at the child on the floor. "Give me my sister back." She said, determined to get her baby sibling back. "Why must you defy me? You wished the child away, I did as you asked and yet you're fighting it. Is this not what you wanted?" The room fell silent as Jareth stood up from the large throne. The sound of clicking followed as he walked slowly towards the girl. "W-Well, it is.. but I didn't mean it."

     He stopped a few feet ahead of her. "Oh, you didn't?" He tilted his head, his brows furrowing in false confusion. The girl glanced around the room until her eyes fell upon the clock. 12:59. The girl stammered, "T-Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond The Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen." Jareth opened his mouth to stop her, but she continued, louder. "For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great!"

  Jareth hoped that she wouldn't remember the line, but expected the worst. "You have no power over-" Loud chimes rang out in a quick succession. The 13th hour. She'd failed. Jareth's lifted his chin, looking down on the girl. Her eyes were filling with tears, and she let out a small sob. "It would appear that you're too late." The Goblin King snapped his fingers, the small child seemed to disappear. The fabrics began to move, and from them emerged a small, wrinkly creature with large eyes and a crooked smile. It was a goblin.

    The girl let out a cry, falling to her knees. "Oh, don't be upset. Your sister will continue to live here, with the other goblins. Plenty of company. As for you, I'm feeling generous. You can either go home and try to explain to your parents what happened to your sister, or you could stay here and help care for the goblins and creatures of the labyrinth. It's your choice." The girls eyes widened with anger. "That's so unfair! You're the one who took my sister, why do you get to decide something like that?" She seethed, tears falling from her eyes. "Life's not fair. You wished your sister away, I took her, now YOU have to face the consequences. I did everything you asked, don't try to pretend that I didn't."

    The girl lowered her head, and Jareth felt a twing of regret in his chest. He looked back at the goblin, who was happily chewing on the fabrics. Jareth internally fought with himself for a moment before letting out an agitated sigh. "How about this. I'll return the child back to normal, but you both stay. I'll give you freedom to the labyrinth. This would be your new home."
The girl sniffled and looked up. "Would she remember me?" Jareth slightly rolled his eyes. "Yes, her memory will continue just as before she was changed." The girl was silent. She hesitantly reached her hand up, to which Jareth responded by taking her hand and pulling her up.

   He turned and summoned a crystal in his palm, tossing it towards the goblin. It popped like a bubble upon impact, and the goblin morphed back into the girls' sister. She let out a relieved sigh and she eased a bit. Jareth gestured the child over, and she waddled over to her sister, taking her free hand. "Would you like a tour of the labyrinth?" Jareth asked. The girl simply nodded. They started walking out and the girl looked up towards Jareth, but looked back away. "My name is Haley.."

"I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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