maidens blood

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The blood created a crimson trail on the snow. The Vineyard was empty minus my sisters and I and the corpse Cassandra and Daniela were dragging. "Bela, grab her feet she's spilling. One of us stabbed a main artery and she's still bleeding" Daniela explained, "Well shit, Mother likes them pretty ripe so if there's blood still spilling she's bound to be under the desired freshness" I replied. And so I fell behind a little and grabbed the dead girls feet. I felt kind of bad. She was crying and screaming. But, don't they all. If she wasn't I'd be concerned.

Normally my sisters and I would perish within 10 minutes of being in the cold. But Miss Donna made us these cloaks so our flies of which we're made of stay in one place and the cold can barely touch us. Thanks to Donna my sisters and I can speed up Mothers wine making process. Mother drains the blood of Maidens and harvests their blood to mix with her wine to make a delightfully delicate blend of Sanguis Virginis which is Latin for Maidens Blood. She uses the blood of women as female blood is sweeter and mixes with wine a lot nicer making it smoother and tastes like heaven when it hits the tongue.

Aside from gathering Maidens for Mothers wine my sisters and I don't leave the Castle ever. We have a maid who gets our dinner for us. We prefer to eat and or torture men. And when we're sick of them we eat them or drain their blood to drink in these beautiful, handmade ceramic teacups Mother got from Donna. Men aren't needed in a world where woman clearly have the higher power. It's a little odd. Our house crest symbolises femininity, yet we murder woman for Mothers wine.

Earlier today Mother sat us down. She had this flask in her hand. On the flask it read:
Rosemary W.
Mother explained to us how Miranda had finally found a vessel to bring her long deceased daughter back to life. The flask held the crystallised remains of her head and that the childs father has began to make his way to the Village to look for his daughter. Mother hid it in the towers lowest floor. I hope he doesn't get it. Mother also said that he'd have to kill her to obtain it. So, my sisters and I must do everything in our power to stop him get even as far as finding the Courtyard Key.

My sisters and I had finally dragged the deceased girl into the castle. "There you are. I was beginning to worry" Mother greeted us, "We're fine Mother. One of us unintentionally got one of her main arteries. She lost more blood than they usually do. Sorry she's not the required ripeness" I explained, "No matter my dears. Mother Miranda dropped off some dead girls that were killed when the Lycan caused chaos. Heisenburg has informed us all that they'll be set free in a minute as the child's father has just reached the village. As for me. The other lords and I as well as Miranda are holding a meeting so you'll have the castle to yourselves for about 20-30 minutes. I shall see you in a bit my dears" Mother spoke softly to keep us from panicking. We all nodded and went our separate ways after saying our goodbyes to mother.

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