CHAPTER 2. Rude Boy

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  Dear Diary, I've been here for a whole week now! It's been pretty fun, Ryan is really sweet, and he likes doing puzzles with me. He's busy a lot though, he works for the police! How cool is that?!

Oh, and Xavier is really fun, even if he makes me nervous sometimes. We went clothes shopping yesterday, that was the first time I've ever gotten brand new clothes! Oh, and he let me get whatever I wanted, which was awesome! Xavier makes me feel pretty, and I always get butterflies when he calls me princess, he does that a lot.

Then there's Lex-

"Writing in that silly book again princess?" My head snapped up and I glared at Lexon, pen moving on the paper.

-on he's rude, and calls me princess in a mean way, I don't like him very much. He thinks he's so great, when he's not. I kept eye contact with Lexon and continued to scribble horrible things about him.

Lexon leaned on the door frame and watched me, eyes narrowed slightly. "Writing about me?"

I made a sound in my throat and told the dairy about how incredibly nosey Lexon was. When he took a sudden step into my room, I squeaked and closed the book quickly, scooting back on the bed and hugging it to my chest.

"Sharing is caring," Lexon told me, and reached out, to grab my book. I slapped his hand, and he paused, black eyes filling with surprise for a moment.

I lifted my chin and kept eye contact for a long moment before I chickened out and scrambled off the bed and darted to the door.

Lexon easily reached out and grabbed my book, making a cry of protest leave my lips. He easily held it out of my reach, and frustration filled me.

"It's not nice to write mean things about people," Lexon said blankly as he gazed at the closed sparkly book. I clenched my hands it fists and glared at him angrily.

"I'll just take that," Xavier grabbed the book from Lexon, seeming to appear out of thin air. I smiled in delight as Xavier handed me the book with a smile and a pat on the head.

I closed my eyes as his hand lingered, a comforting pressure on my red hair.

"Why must you pick on her?" Xavier asked Lexon, who glanced at me briefly. Lexon said nothing and turned, leaving my room and going back to his cave of a room. "You okay princess?"

I smiled and nodded at Xavier, eyes sparkling at the attention her gave me. "Rain," Esme called, and I heard her climbing up the stairs.

I had mixed feelings about her, she was nice, but she did a lot of things I didn't like, and I never had the courage to share my negative thoughts.

Esme walked into my room, holding a box, a smile on her lips. "I found some things you might like, want to take a look?" She offered, and Xavier gave me a short smile before leaving.

I watched his back, a part of me I didn't like wanting me to reach out and make him stay.

"Here, feel free to take what you want, I have to start on dinner," Esme placed the box in front of a large mirror and stepped out. I hesitantly walked over to the box and opened it.

Make up, it was a whole box of makeup. I ran my eyes over everything, a flush coming to my cheeks for no reason.

My hand reaching it, and I sifted through the large box curiously. My thoughts drifted to the new clothes, an outfit coming to mind.

I slapped my cheeks with both hands, blushing harder when I thought of impressing Xavier. He says you're pretty already, and you're not wearing make up. I reminded myself and frowned, growing determined.

I'm going to wear this for me, not them. I thought and nodded. I changed into black short shorts and a tank top.

I then touched the eyeliner, spending a good amount of time getting it the way I wanted, grinning at the accomplished look.

I liked it, I liked it a lot.

I exited my room and happily skipped down the stairs, the smell of food creating me. Ryan was chopping onions, trying to not cry, Xavier was looking at his phone, and Lexon was sitting at the table gazing at a book.

"Oh Rain," Esme called my name, and she frowned, grabbing my upper arm. "Eyeliner is too much for your age, let's go wipe that off, okay?"

I shook her off and crossed my arms. "No,"

Xavier's phone dropped from his hand, and his eyes snapped to mine in utter shock. Ryan put the knife down and watched the interaction while even Lexon couldn't help but look at me.

"No?" Esme said in shock, repeating my words. I nodded and stepped around her, feeling almost naked as I felt the men's eyes on me.

"Ice cream!" Xavier cried suddenly and opened the freezer.

"It's close to dinner," Esme said, her voice giving away how upset she was.

Xavier ignored her and I gasped when he lifted me up and spun me around, seeming incredibly excited. "Ice cream for you," he told me and set me on the counter despite Esme's cry.

I giggled and watched him scoop out ice cream with my direction.

"Your voice is pretty," Ryan said suddenly, while I had a spoon between my lips. A flush came to my cheeks.

I glanced at Lexon, but he paid no attention, focussed on his book. I tilted my head to the side and watched him, oddly curious.

If he felt my staring, he made show of it. His lips however, curved upwards for a brief moment.

I smiled and took my time enjoying the cold treat. Xavier watched me with warm eyes and I slowly met his eyes.

I ducked my head, feeling that familiar fluttery feeling in my stomach. I think I like it here,

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