Across Time {One Shot}

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Saliha, 22

Waleed, 26

Shanza, 23

Harris, 23

Ayana, 25

Mahira, 24

When cousins get together, normally chaos ensues. It was no different for the youngsters of the Mukhtar family.

But today it was different. Today the chaos was caused by the arguments of the adults. You know how it goes: an elderly person of the family passes away, the will is read by the lawyer, often one or two people are not happy and an argument erupts like a long dormant volcano.

When the grandfather Mukhtar Siddique passed away, he had distributed his property according to the Islamic law of inheritance. However, he had left his home to his beloved daughter, Maleeha. Maleeha herself was willing to give the home to her brothers, but it was her husband Shabbir who did not wish for her to do so, resulting in a huge argument that almost literally shook the walls of the generations-old home.

And so, the youngsters had escaped the battlefield and had jumped into the minibus belonging to Waleed, the eldest cousin, and had driven away from the home that was in a small city in northern Punjab.

Saliha, Mukhtar Siddique's youngest grandchild, leaned her head against the window, and as the minibus jumped over yet another pothole, banged her head lightly against the window, wincing.

"This family is based on hatred, anger and lies." Her cousin, Ayana commented. "All we see is fighting, arguments and resentments. No wonder people don't believe in love."

"Love is bulls**t." Harris spoke from the front passenger seat. "Films, TV shows and books show unrealistic crap, which ultimately make the expectations rise for people all around the world."

"It's all about hatred these days." Shanza added from right at the back. "The devil is winning."

Saliha wished that she could disagree with their pessimistic views, but it was not possible. Her cousins were right. There was no place for love in these times.

"Hey, stop the car!" Harris suddenly yelled. "Let's go in there!"

Everyone looked towards the left and saw a large, dark haveli (mansion) that resembled something out of a horror film. Even from inside the minibus, they could see the large cobwebs covering the black iron gates. The bordering wall of the property was rundown and almost falling apart, while the house itself seemed to be like a decaying corpse of its once lively and grandeur self.

"Are you insane?" Waleed asked his younger brother. "That house has been out of use for Allah knows how long. It's a huge safety risk."

Saliha stared at the dark building, mesmerised. Something about it was luring her towards it. She felt breathless, and as she pressed her forehead against the glass, her breath caused condensation to rise on the window. She stared without blinking, almost transported to another world.

"Come on. It's the same old drama in our life." Harris jumped out of the car that Waleed had stopped. "We need some excitement, some adventure."

"But not some jinn." Shanza shook her head. "Because I'm pretty sure jinn reside here."

"Okay, you chicken wings, you all sit in here and I'll go and take a quick tour." Waleed shrugged and walked off.

"I'll come." Mahira, who had been quiet so far, jumped up from her seat and slid open the door. "I want adventure."

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