part one

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"Avengers" Fury started, "good news and bad news" they all glared at him like they wanted to kill him, it wasn't because they wanted too. Well, maybe.
They already knew a new avenger was coming but, Fury had to reannounce it in Fury fashion.

"She will be a good addition, she was from Hydra so, given, we have no idea how stable she is but i don't want her on anyone else's team. We clear?"
Everyone nodded

Steve pov
I looked at the file of ASH, as her name was. She was a medical student and a shield agent. I have a feeling which I can't decide is good or bad. Maybe both, maybe none. She was a few months younger to me, physically. Her powers were weird, 'Manipulation' that was the only thing written in the file. In big, bold letters.

I liked Fury, he was a knows everyone's business but minds his own kinda guy. Chill most of the time if things were right.
I just finished a shift at the hospital, I was exhausted. Needless to say. Being in sheild was to seek redemption but it was a advantage I could pay my bills.
I opened my appartment to find a Sofa set along with a coffee table and T.V. Going in, there was the kitchen, white marbles and a silver sink. It wasn't very luxurious but I was comfortable. I was not crying or angry. There was emptiness which was worse. I just needed a break.
I change into jeans and a Black shirt along with a jacket. I didn't put much mind to my outfits since usually they were mostly scrubs or pajamas.

Walking into the Avengers tower felt weirs, unreal, exciting, scary, like i was gonna explode from joy but it would feel like a bomb blast.
It was weird since most of the time i was numb, excruciatingly numb. Maybe this would be good for me.

"Avengers" fury started
"This us Ash. Ash avengers" oh because i had no idea who they were. I dont say anything though

"I think you know enough about eachother" he turned and walked away. This was awkward. By awkwqrd, i meqn the i woupd rather jump of a building thank you. Though considering i would be sqved becaude of my powers.

"So Ash," Bruce started. I already knew i'll like Brice, trying to initiqye conversation. "How long have you bern working for sheild?"
"A year or so. I was with hydra before, not willingly" i said like ir easnt obvious. Fury mustve told them.
"I had powers and hydra's scienrests gave me q medical degree so putting it to use, medical school" maybe i said too much for one sentence but you k ow whay? I dont reqllt care. Maybe i do
"So you already have a medical degree?"
Bruce asked curious
"Unofficially, yes" he nodded in response.
"Well, it was absolutely lovely meeting you. But, I better go" ugh just get me out of this awkward mess already
"Yeah, where is your address? I'll ask the movers to shift whatever you require tommorow"
"Shift it for what exactly?" I asked. What the hell
"Well, considering you'll be an avenger, you may avoid press but that doesn't mean you get nothing except the title, you need to shift here" Tony said
"I wasn't informed of this, my apologies. I don't need movers, I don't have many things I'll move" ughhhhhhhh awkward count 1000
"Okay and I think Fury gave you my number so tell me if you need anything else" he said. I thought Tony Stark was a douchebag. Maybe not. We'll see.

"She seems nice except the whole Hydra past thing" Steve said.
"I guess. At least she's not gonna try to kill us" Wanda just looked at Tony with a 'I might just try again look'.
"Dinner. We'll call her for dinner and every other meal. Though considering she's a medical student, we don't know her shifts. We need to know her to trust her" Bruce said and everyone else just nodded in agreement
(A/N   It's almost 4am and I don't know wtf is going on)

Ash pov
I headed straight to the shift after meeting the avengers. I don't know how many times I'll say it but Im one of the most awkward people ever. I swear to God.


After an exhausting shift, all you want to do is eat pizza from your neighborhood shop and sleep so, naturally, I didn't do that. It was Saturday meaning today and tomorrow could be excellent except for the fact I'll actually have to meet people. Yeah that sucked. I packed my bags to move to the avengers tower. I had quite a few amount of cloths that I never wore. Maybe that'll change now that I'll actually live with people. Though it also means I've got to get my shit together. Shitttttttt.

I closed the trunk and headed for the driver's seat. I loved my car, it was a black Honda civic. Again, thank you sheild salary.

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