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(ik what u thinking, slow updateer. Yeah deal with it thanks)

I've been through hell. But they don't need to know that. Not yet atleast. I think to myself as I walk in. I think it's the effects of last night. 

I was walking, at what seemed like an endless street, long and painful. my legs bruised, my calves crammping and my head throbbing but that didnt stop me and suddenly, i was in a chair, pain couring through me, like a wave, a huge, big wave. the sceintest in front of me, looking at me like i wasnt even human, like i was nothing. Just a experiment. To them, i was

i couldnt go back to sleep. which is why i had a black coffee in the cup holder of my car. I walked into the avengers tower, my suitcase on my left and a duffel bag hanging to my right. i had other stuff but that was all i could bring right now, i had a shift. A long and painful one. I liked the patients though. To the hospital staff, I was competition or the rude bitch who never made converstation. I was however, sweet to the patients regardless. It was because they didnt know me and i idnt know them. there was a comfort in that. that they could never betray me. 

"Hello, mam" a voice put me out of my thoughts, coming from behind me (rip grammer) 

it was steve rogers. i could tell before turning around.  he had a certain charm. that i loved, why didnt they make men like that these days?

"Well hello dear sir" i smiled. i had no fucking idea what i was saying but he didnt know that. I dont know if i wanna establish myself as the designated bitch yet or no. i do have to live with these people. 

" You need help with those?" he asked. Gentalmen. Well, gentleman, they dont make em like this anymore. 

"Thanks but i got it. I do however, need directions  to my room. Gotta keep these and go for my next shift." he nooded and tilted his head in the direction of a corridor that said follow me. and so i did

It's weird really, i expected them to hate me. Lord knows most people do. Steve walked in the room that he called "my new bunker" which i think i was supposed to find funny but my lack of sleep made everything a blur, no idea how i'm functioning. 

"..and for the party the dress code is formal. People will start arriving at sometime around 8" my shift ended at 9:30. screw me. i swear to god.

"Yeah, ill be a little late. Hope thats ok?" was i really looking for approval from a man i barely knew? yeah. I don't know why but no matter what, you can be trying to kill me and i'll want to be respected by you. With your knife at my throat, till u say i respect you, i'll not mind. i fucking hate you but with respect. I think it something about hydra. I close the door as steve leaves, I change into my scrubs. They are a baby blue color. As i take of my top, my eyes fall to my reflection in the mirror, they arent as visible as they were a few years ago but still pretty clear. Maybe they'll fade over time. or maybe they'll remind me everyday, i've been through hell and i made i out alive. i dont know which one i want it to be. 

"Here is the CT you asked for" i handed DR. Melendez the information. Walking with him, we went to see the next patient. I never saw this file before and all there was, was a name. No last name, no profile photo, no address. Just a name. 

"22. Female. Complaining about shortness of breath, vomiting everything he eats and nausea" I turned over the page.  Walking into the room, i know why, i felt a weird smell. "Hi i'll be looking at you today, I'm Ash" 

"You actually have too look at my face in order to give me what i want"  that was a weird request, i do it anyway. Something about her seems familiar. Maybe she's been here before

"Hi, I'm Ash" i say, ignoring my unrequired thoughts.  

(A week later)

Fuck! i yelled in my mind as i stubbed my toe against the kitchen counter. I was with Wanda, who, like me, was an outsider. We were making cupcakes for the team because we both felt a little out of the circle. I managed 25 years without high school drama but when Wanda asks you something, you don't say no that's for sure.

"Wanna watch a movie while they bake?" Wanda asked. God i hadnt watched a movie in so damn long. I was more of a reader. 

"Sure" i replied "but u gotta choose" i didnt know if my tastes in movies was good or horrible so i'd rather watch something she preffered

"Mean girls it is" Damn, a movie named mean girls, this generation is SCREWED.  

"...WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" damn, i swear to god these kids need therapy. "I thought my childhood was rough but like i'd actually die" Wanda was laughing her ass off at this shit and i was there in complete shick. Kids watch this for fun??? They are kids!!!!! The training i got in hydra for blending included my little pony and power rangers from like 20 years ago. One of the few things i do remember about my past

"Having fun ladies, are we?" a voice spoke from behind, it was Tony.  Dude the respect I had for his sarcasm was something else i'll say

"Yeah. Mean girls. Join us" Wanda offered a adult, probably overgrown man to sit with us for a teen movie. I could die laughing here

"Due to the lack of anything better to do, I'll comply" Wanda then spoke, "He's tony" But her lips didnt move. "Point taken" i thought and i knew the response was delivered. She just winked behind tony's back. 

"Things were so much simpler in my day-" Wanda intrupted. 

"Oh the sweet olden days" she said and i couldn't help but laugh. Tony just looked at her with the iconic 'we'll countinue this later' look. This kid will be the death of herself. Me too, probably at this point. 

"Please it was only..." he trailed off, his expression turning blank

"Holy shit i graduated high school 26 years ago!!!!!!!"the reaction on his face was priceless.        Old age really hit him , hard

i just countinued the movie while tony was in shock. He'll get over it. Probably

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