"Double Chin"

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Business is slow and the cool metal chair in the small corner behind the counter is terribly uncomfortable. Minding that there were barely any people in the food court, and they were all going for ice cream or pizza, I resumed sitting in the only position that didn't hurt my butt: lying on my back on the chair and setting my feet against the wall.

I pull out my phone, checking to see if I got any notifications while working, and not being surprised when I don't find any waiting for me. To pass time, I open the front camera to see how ridiculous I look, sitting like this. My long brown hair reaches the checkered floor, coiling into a spiral and my red hat is slowly slipping off of my head.

Hysterical giggling fits rise from me as I take pictures of the double chin I've created. A figure showing up at the counter behind me as I aim to take another shot of my miraculous chin is all it takes to snap me out of it. I gasp, the phone dropping onto my face and with my luck, I topple off of the chair and onto the floor.

The boy stares at me as I jump up to my feet and rush to the counter. "Hi! Welcome to Billy's Pretzels!" I say quickly, pushing my hair out of my face, messily. He responds by staring at me a few seconds more then bursting into a loud laugh. I take the time given to me by his period of laughter to check him out. (He's not a 7 year old boy that I'm checking out, sicko. I'm not like that, chill.)

He's wearing dark, faded jeans and no shirt, because he is holding it in his hands. The upper half of his body is tanned and he withholds a sturdy 6 pack. His hair is light brown and messy, and light freckles sprinkle the skin underneath his green eyes. He's gorgeous. I easily recognize him as the model that stands outside of the store: Poshes, grasping the attention, and money of attracted girls.

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