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Chapter Three

Chapter Three

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543,781 likesbeautybyfabiola Amidst every triumph and challenge, our unbreakable bond remains unwavering

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beautybyfabiola Amidst every triumph and challenge, our unbreakable bond remains unwavering. #MyFirstborn
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"Oh snap, Fabi got money!" Jon exclaimed as they arrived at Fabiola's house

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"Oh snap, Fabi got money!" Jon exclaimed as they arrived at Fabiola's house.

When Sefa arrived in town, he texted Fabiola asking for her address. Initially reluctant, as she did not want him to know where she lived, Fabiola eventually relented after Sefa said he would just ask her sisters - knowing they would likely tell him. Wanting to control the situation, she gave Sefa her address herself.

"Relax, Jon," Sefa said, aware that Fabiola felt uncomfortable around Jon's energetic personality. Jon's chaotic energy tended to make Fabiola nervous, causing her to close herself off when he was around.

Jon nodded. "I'll tone it down once I get around her, I'm just excited to see the girls, you know I missed my nieces," Jon said.

Trinity shakes her head. "Jon, don't be mean to Fabiola for keeping the girls away after the breakup," Trinity told her husband.

After Sefa and Fabiola broke up, his family assumed Fabiola would still allow them access to her daughters. However, Fabiola made it clear that as an ex, she would not linger and it was best for all if they went their separate ways. Occasionally, Sefa's mother would get updates on the girls from Fabiola's mother and even send gifts, unbeknownst to Fabiola. 

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