chapter 4.

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I haven't seen or spoken to Indi since the evening of her get together which was almost four days. After Lisa dragged me away to meet her boyfriend, we had to leave. He was our only ride home because neither Lisa or I or anyone else for that matter, were in going to get behind the wheel of a car without crashing it. The next morning I tried to ask Lisa for Indi's number but my nerves got the best of me anytime I opened my mouth to ask her. It has been that way everyday since.


She probably doesn't wanna speak to me anyways, why would she? Sure, we might have almost kissed but we just met, its probably meant nothing to her. Right? Ugh.

I snap back into it, tuning back into what the professor was saying. There are about 2 minutes left of this class, this very long, boring class. If you walked in you wouldn't know that is a clay sculpting class. I zoned out about two minutes into his lecture and honestly, i doubt i missed much of anything. In the three weeks that I've taken this class, I've touch clay exactly zero times. All we've done is theory. Which believe it or not, has plenty of -and I mean plenty- of notes.

Pring, pring.

"Okay class, I will see you on Thursday to finish off this chapter, so we can finally get to the good stuff, moulding some good old clay, alright." He chuckles when people around the room start cheering at his announcement. I mean finally, but I'd never say it out loud.

"Are you having lunch with us today?" Sne chirps from beside me. My only saving grace in class room and my newest friend. As cliche as it is, the polar opposite of me. She bright, bubbly, unapologetically herself and oh so absolutely fabulous. And if you're wondering how we met her, she just sat down next to a few days ago and she just started talking to me like we've know each other for years. It honestly does feel that way.

"You really need to stop zoning out on me man, it's so rude." She rolls her eyes, packing the rest of her books into her bag.

"You know I am, why do you even bother asking me at this point?" I shoot back at her.

"So it doesn't look like I'm kidnapping you, little one." There it is, that stupid name. She isn't even much older than I am. According to her though, 4 months makes a big difference.

"Stop calling me that, you asshole!"

"Follow me, little one."

I roll my eyes, following her regardless. Her pink heels clicking against the floor with every step she takes. On the other side of the door, students fill the corridor. Some heading into the building and just like me, the rest are getting a well deserved break, heading towards the doors. As soon we walk out the door of the main building, I pick up my pace walking toward the cafeteria.

"Can you slow down? Or are you trying to get me to fall over?" Sne yells behind me. I halt to a stop and wait for her to get to my side.

"Hurry up then Cruella. I'm hungry." This girl had the audacity to smile at me and decides to cat walk to me.

"Oh! No please,no flash photography." Dramatically, she holds her hand over her eyes and turns away from the imaginary cameras.

"Ooh, lala, who is that pretty young thing on the catwalk? She is the sexiest, highest earning model on the market right. She is oh so hot!" I pipe up, in the most dramatic french accent I could master. We both start laughing however, she twirls, and picks up her pace. With one final pose, she bows for her "adoring public".

When she finally reaches me, she loops her arm into mine which was kind of hard to do through all the tears in my eyes from all the laughter. I wipe the tears from my eyes heading to the cafeteria.

"What accent was that? Was it from Constipatia? Where everyone suffers from chronic constipation?" She asks when her laughter finally wears off.

"I'll have you know,that was my best french accent. That was art you just listened to. You couldn't even appreciate it. Nx."

"Oh sure it was." We walk in through the the cafeteria doors to our spot. Her boyfriend, Lucas, was already seated at the table.

"My lovey. Hey boo." She places a firm kiss on her his and takes a seat beside him. "Rainey." He addresses me when i slide in on the other side of the table.

"Hi Luke, how are you?" I ask pulling my lunchboxes out of my bag. I had a yoasted sgeese sandwich, and mango slices. Nothing fancy.

"Im all good." He turn to Sne, "How are you my love?" She lays her her head on his shoulder and lets out an inaudible response. I tube out, focusing on my food to give the lovebirds some space.


Hi lovelies, did we all have a good day? Enjoy this new chapter?
Fun fact, Sne is inspired by own best friend, so please cherish her.

xoxo, q

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