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She did a swift motion with her left hand. „You are free to go", she whispered and the magical chains which had been restraining Michael were gone. He stared at his now free hands in disbelief. "Why would you do that?", he mumbled as he stood up from the wooden floor, "You know I could kill you, right?", Lindra just shrugged her shoulders and turned around to sit down on the sofa once again. Then she sighed. „Yes. Also, you probably should do so.", her voice was as soft as silk, as a slight smile danced across her face, "But you won't." The hero knew that she was right. He knew that it would be the right thing to get rid of her. It would be so easy. She would pay for all the crucial things she did to the kingdom. To his friends. To him.

Still, he was unable to move. Not because he was magically bound or something similar. No, his body simply refused. The lack of reactions on his side caused Lindra to suppress an amused chuckle. "Well, Champion? At loss for words?", she raised an eyebrow, "What is your plan, now that you're free? You won't kill me. So, what else is there to do for you?" Michael stared at the dancing flames in the fireplace across the sofa. The palace... His friends... He didn't intend on answering any of Lindra's questions, but he still did. "I'm going home", he muttered and turned to the door. That sentence caused her smile to vanish. He took a trembling step towards the only exit of the room, before her voice caused him to stop again. "They will hunt you.", she warned him. Michael couldn't look at her. He didn't need to, because he felt her ice-cold stare. "They think you're an ally of mine", she continued without hesitation, "They'll see nothing else than the boy who gifted freedom to the only real enemy of the kingdom. You released a threat. You're going to be held responsible for that. Not only this, also the fire. They will think that you're the one who wanted to burn the palace down. They will kill you."

The champion didn't want to believe her. He wished that she'd stop talking and that he would finally wake up from this nightmare. If only he could turn back time. Only 24 hours back and everything would be normal again. Yet again, his wish was not granted. As he spoke, his voice was raspy and shaking, "They won't. I am the king's champion. He's going to- ""Didn't you listen?!", the witch snapped at him," King Stefan will be the first to kill you! He doesn't give a shit about you! You're not going to be safe anywhere in the kingdom." Michael clenched his fists, as Lindra continued going on about how dangerous and stupid he was for wanting to go back. In his ears the words got blurred together in the background as the sound of his blood rushing through his veins became more prominent. It was never his fault. She was the one responsible for this mess. He didn't do anything wrong. He just wanted peace.

At some point Lindra rose from the sofa, as she went on rambling her shallow warnings. Michael felt her steps coming closer. She touched his shoulder. That was her one mistake. In a flash, the male held her at the throat, her back against the wall. Michael didn't notice, but for a split of a second there flashed an emotion in her eyes.


"Shut. The. Fuck. Up", he growled, "You know nothing about them." "And you know nothing about me", she hissed at him, her confidence rising again. It was hard to smile while nearly being choked, but the witch somehow still managed to do it. She knew she was right. Seeing her with that smug look on her face made Michael want to kill her even more.He started imagining how easy it would be to just crush her throat. Just a bit more force and her neck would just snap to pieces. He would've been strong enough. Even though it was more than just a bit tempting, he hesitated.

"I know Stefan better than you can imagine", she continued, "If you still want to try and convince them that you're innocent, then try it. As I said, you're free." His grip loosened and he took a step back. He opened his mouth to answer, only to change his mind and not speaking a single word. Instead, he reached for the door handle. "Until we meet again, champion", Lindra said teasingly, as he finally closed the door behind himself.

Michael took a deep, shaky breath, before going to the front door of the cottage. He remembered the way from when he was brought there a few hours ago. Stepping outside he realised that he had no idea where he was. Trees surrounded the building. A forest with no end in sight. How did he even end up in this situation? He should've known that Lindra was bad news from the first moment he heard her voice in his head.

A/N.: Welcome everyone! I'm happy you're interested in my story. Tbh, at this point I am not 100% sure if this is a good idea or not :D I just hope you enjoy it, even though it's not a fanfic this time xD
Inspiration for this story: Dungeons and Dragons, Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Magnus Chase, some "villain"-playlists on Youtube.

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