Chapter 5

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Everything about the day was wrong. A child's birthday is suppose to be a happy event. One that marks the child growing up. It's suppose to be their special day in a good way.

For me my tenth birthday was the worst day of my life. 

It started off pretty good but as the day went on, so did the uneasiness, the anxiety, and the dread. Some how in my very bones I could tell that the thing would be back that night to wish me a "happy birthday." 

So once again begged my dad to let me go to grandmas house where I could sleep in her room with her and the thing couldn't get me.

He predictably said "no and you"ll be aright, you'll be OK. Now go play with your presents."


That night right after my dad left to go to work. The fat ass locked me in the room alone. Shaking with fear I told myself the thing can’t get me in the light. So I turned the light on and went to sleep, feeling much better without the all consuming darkness.

Sometime in the night I woke up to the sounds of footsteps, panicking I looked around the well lit room seeing nothing I told myself it was just the fat ass.

 Still uneasy I got up and started walking around the room.

That's when I heard the squawking and breathing again, but this time coming from outside the room.

Now as I stated before there is only so much abuse one can take before they snap.

Enraged that it was still bothering me I grabbed my flashlight and proceeded to go find the thing all while yelling abuse at it, telling it to go bother somebody else, what does it want, and to just go away.

I walked into the living room/ kitchen area to find the fatass had been knocked out. Panicking I look around only to see the room watching me.

Everywhere I looked there were eyes, on the wall ceiling, and even the floor. All ranging in size the only the that was common was that they were all filled with malice, hate, and were all looking at me with fury!

I quickly turned around to make a mad dash for my room. That's when things got worse. Hands now started materializing out of the walls and were trying to grab me.

I flew to my room slammed the door and locked it. Panting I started to feel a little relief that I had got away. Until the banging started.

The door wasn't going to last long I started backing up in fear. Then it stopped only to be replaced by what sounded like a lullaby coming from my closet. Very slowly I open the closest dread building with every breath. I threw the closet doors open and breathed out a deep sigh of relief and turned around and walked into straight into something!

Pure  fear  gripped  me,  as  my  breath  caught  in  my  chest.  Warm  liquid  ran  down  my  legs.  Slowly  trembling  I  started  to  lift  the  flashlight  to  see  what  I  had  hit.

The  moment  the  light  hit  the  thing  the  flashlight  died,  and  the  room  grew  cold.  Even  though  the  light  was  gone  I  saw  something  not  of  this  world  and  fear  gripped  me.  Whatever  it  was  it  had  a  humanoid  shape,  but  had  way  to  many  limbs,  body  covered  with  hundreds  of  little  mouths  and  eyes,  while  were  the  twos  eyes  you  would  expect  to  see  in  the  eye  sockets  where  gone.  Inside  the  eye  sockets  though  I  saw  decayed  flesh,  spiders,  scorpions,  snakes,  and  other  things  I  cannot  explain  moving  around  inside  it.  It  flesh  was  otherwise  decayed  and  covered  with  webs,  and  dirt.

I scrambled back into a corner weeping I pissed myself again, begging it to leave me alone. The only other sound other then my sobbing was its deep, heavy, and labored breath.

Suddenly a malevolent laugh filled the room, then silence, as it been down close to me. It screamed a inhuman scream in my face.

With horror I stared at it as something was clawing its way out of one of its many mouths. The seconds felt like years as I watched the crow I saw earlier come out of its mouth and laughed at me. I passed out from fear.

When I woke I was being dragged through the sand, not fully realizing whats going on I looked around. I was in the middle of the desert being dragged be that thing toward a big hole further up!

I panicked not knowing how I knew that if I went in that in that hole I would never come back. I kicked at its limb it was using to drag me. The thing snarled then let go and turned around to grab me again, but I was already running.

Chest heaving, lungs and legs burning I ran not looking back. The whole time I ran I could hear its labored breaths, and that damned cawing.

I saw the sun blooming over the horizon and to my relief I couldn't hear the things breathing anymore.

After a couple hours I stumbled back into the trailer park. The fatass came up screaming at me and started hitting me, when I heard the labored breathing again.

Panicking I screamed, and curled up into a ball weeping thinking that this was the end. The last thing I saw was that thing standing above me, before fatass knocked me out.

I woke about a few days later in the hospital, and was informed that apparently fatass stole the trailer, but I know the wasn't true. I knew the thing had taken him and the trailer.

Though apparently that one night I was gone for three days! They thought fatass had just kidnapped me.

When I tried to tell them what really happened they told me it was just a traumatic incident, and my mind was just trying to cope.

 I have never told anyone this story before. To this day I still break out in a cold sweat at the sound of  sheets rustling in the night, or a wheeze brought on by a common cold, crow, rabbits, I will never live in a trailer again, and I certainly never sleep with my bed against a wall. Call it superstition if you will but as I said, I cannot discount conventional explanations such as sleep paralysis, hallucination, or that of an over-active imagination, but what I can say is this: I would never wish this on my worst enemy.


Epilogue: The freaky thing is the other day I found a picture of me as a kid on my desk with my face clawed out, and a crow outside the window.


Note: Thank you so much to everyone who read this story, if you liked it please fan or vote. Also sorry it took so long to update.

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