Chapter 2 Nightmares

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NOTE: Thanks to my friend who helped me rewrite this to add another twelve pages of my nightmarish childhood, in more detail!


Finally the day came where we moved. I remember being excited to finally leave this thing where it was, until I saw the trailer.

I remember looking at the trailer as we pulled up with a sense of dread I couldn't quite explain. The trailer looked extremely old and rusty. The door was barely holding on to the hinge with didn't help the overall creepy feeling of the trailer.

The area around the was no better if not worse. Behind the trailer I remember seeing nothing but the barren and desolate desert as far as I could see. To the front was the rest of the rundown trailer park. I didn't know what the strange paintings on the side were then, but now I know the were gang signs.

As we walked up to the trailer my dad smiled at me and said, "Well at least we can have fun fixing it up."

"Ya fun." I replied wondering what could possibly be fun about this wreck.

I frowned my sense of dread growing with every step I took. I whimpered and looked at my dad who looked ecstatic. I wanted to tell him that I didn't want to go in. That I never ever wanted to go anywhere near the trailer. That I wanted to get as far away from the trailer as I could, but seeing how happy he looked I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.

As we walked in the trailer I got a sudden chill, as I looked around the kitchen/ living room, which was fully furnished with plastic covers on everything.

"That's strange they said we'd have to buy our own furniture." Said my father jubilant with this unexpected surprise. After tearing the plastic off and inspecting the furniture he said, "Lets go see if you're room has such a great surprise." And he started off down the hall.

And boy was he right about the surprise, only not in a good way!

 As I opened the door a horrible rotting smell hit me. In the middle of the room was a dead rabbit, with its ribs violently ripped open, and a single crow eating it. I screamed as my dad threw my out of the room and slammed the door.

I don't remember much of the rest of that day, but what I do remember is rabbit. The image seared into my brain.After a bunch of angry phone calls, my dad decided I would be better off at his parents house for the night, as he went off to work.

That night, the crow and rabbit haunted my dreams. I must have woken up fifty times that night shaking in fear, frightened for the next time sleep dragged me down to that scene. The crow holding the rabbits eye in its mouth while looking at me with curiosity. The rabbit in a pool of blood screaming "HELP ME!"

The shrieks of the rabbit followed me throughout the day. My dad came and got me around three, to go back to the place I already hated and feared.

During the car ride my dad told me how he had furnished my room and already found a babysitter to watch me a night while he goes to work, but i barely heard a word he said, the image of crow and rabbit kept replaying in my head. I was already dreading the night.

Once we got to the trailer my dad told me to follow him for another look at my room. With every step I took the image of the crow and rabbit flashed in my mind. As he opened the door and ushered me in I saw crow and rabbit.

The crowed cawed at me, the sound muffled by the rabbits intestines stuffed in its mouth.I jumped with fright and screamed, running from the bedroom and hiding under the table.

My dad found me a few minutes later and asked what was wrong.

When  I  told  him  I  saw  the  rabbit  and  crow  still  in  the  room,  he  looked  at  me  puzzled  and  told  me  to  come  look.  That  there  was  nothing  in  there,  but  I  know  what  I  saw  even  if  he  didn't  believe  me.

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