Chapter Tweleve ♾

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After everyone finished eating Samantha was about to starts getting ready to head home
"Hey do yous want to watch a movie?" Wanda asked everyone
Everyone agrees to watch a movie, Samantha took a second to debate whether she should stay or go ahead and head home then she decided to stay.
"Sure, why not" Samantha says smiling
Everyone heads to the movie room Samantha sits on the end of the couch next to Bucky
"So what do you guys wanna watch?" Natasha asked concerned
"What about Aliens?" Peter asked concerned
"Sorry kid, not gonna happen" Tony says looking over at Peter
"Jeez Tony, that's one way to step on the kids dream" Steve says laughing.
"Whatever Rogers" Tony says looking away
After arguing everyone finally agrees to with a movie some were happier than others, after a little bit of watching the movie Samantha starts to get cold then she started looking around for a blanket Bucky noticed that she was looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Bucky asked whispering
"Oh a blanket" Samantha whispers
"Well you can use mine if you want" Bucky whispers
Samantha hesitates
"Oh, sure" Samantha whispers.
Bucky lifts up his blanket and Samantha adjusts herself to be closer to him so she can get covered up
"Thank you" Samantha whispers
"Don't mention it" Bucky whispers
As the time passed Samantha unknowingly slowly gets more and more snuggled into him, Bucky could feel her getting snuggled and he smiled, Samantha stared to get tired then Samantha suddenly felt Bucky playing her hair ever so slightly Samantha can't help but smile and she gets butterflies.

"What am I doing? He probably doesn't even notice he's doing it, I do that kind of stuff all the time" Samantha says in her mind
Samantha decided to just brush it off after a little while Samantha and Bucky end up fulling asleep, the next morning Samantha woke up with a bright light that's shining in through the cracks of the curtains as she wakes up a bit more she realised that Bucky's arms are around her and she is snuggled into his chest. Samantha tried to get up but Bucky doesn't move his arms that are rapped around her, Samantha gave up and she tried to fall back asleep after being successful Samantha could feel Bucky start to move around he moved his arms from around her.
"Oh I'm sorry" Bucky says in a sleepy voice
"Finally" Samantha says laughing
"You know you loved it Doll" Bucky says smiling
"In your dreams Metal Man" Samantha says laughing.
Samantha could hear people in the kitchen so she got up and walked to the kitchen Bucky follows behind her, Samantha seen Wanda and Vision in the kitchen
"Good morning" Samantha says smiling
"Good morning" Wanda says smiling.

Nat and Steve then walked into the kitchen
"Morning everyone" Natasha says smiling
"Good morning" Samantha says smiling
"So Sammie, how did you sleep?" Natasha asked concerned.
"Fine" Samantha says smiling
"Well you and Bucky sure looked really comfortable cuddled on the couch together" Natasha says smiling
"We weren't necessarily 'cuddled' together" Samantha says with a slight smile.
"You sure? Because this picture says different" Natasha says as she pulled out her phone and faces it towards her with the picture of Samantha and Bucky

 "You sure? Because this picture says different" Natasha says as she pulled out her phone and faces it towards her with the picture of Samantha and Bucky

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"W...well...w...we were sleeping so it meant nothing" Samantha says says as she stutters for embarrassment
"Mhm ok, whatever helps you sleep at night" Natasha says smiling
"Whatever" Samantha says with a slight smile.
Samantha looked down at the counter and she seen a cook book with a cake on the cover
"Hey Wanda do you wanna bake something today?" Samantha asked as she looked over at Wanda
"Sorry Sammie not today I'm spending time with Vision, plus you will have to go to the store there's nothing here to bake with" Wanda says feeling bad
"Ugh I don't wanna do it alone" Samantha says a bit sad
"I'll do it with you" Bucky says with a smile.

Nat, Wanda and Steve look over at Bucky and they all smiled,
"Really!" Samantha says as she looked at Bucky kinda surprised
"Yeah but don't get the wrong idea, I just don't want you to burn anything" Bucky says smiling.
"Oh come on that was one time!" Samantha says with a slight smile
"Well I can't take any chances" Bucky says with a smile
"Whatever Barnes, I'm gonna go get ready" Samantha says with a delicate smile
Samantha left the kitchen and she started walking upstairs Samantha got mid way.
"Hey Nat can I borrow" Samantha says as she got interrupted
"Yes" Natasha says as she smiles
"Thanks" Samantha says smiling
Samantha changed into some of Nat's clothes that she's letting Samantha borrow, Samantha tries to make herself look somewhat presentable, but she doesn't care as much since she is just going to the store.
Samantha's hair

And the outfit Samantha put together with the clothes Nat gave her

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And the outfit Samantha put together with the clothes Nat gave her

Once Samantha was done she headed back downstairs "Alright Metal Man you ready to go?" Samantha asked with a smile "As ready as I'll ever be" Bucky says with a smile

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Once Samantha was done she headed back downstairs
"Alright Metal Man you ready to go?" Samantha asked with a smile
"As ready as I'll ever be" Bucky says with a smile.
"Alright let's go" Samantha says with a smile
Samantha then grabbed Bucky's wrist and pulled him towards the front doors once they walked outside Bucky walked towards his motorbike
"Once again we're not taking your bike" Samantha says being serious
"Come on we took your car last time" Bucky says as he with a fake sad face.

"Ok and where are you planing to put the groceries?" Samantha asked as she raised an eyebrow
"I didn't think about that" Bucky says walking away from his bike
Samantha looked at him with a slight smile
"I guess you're right" Bucky mumbles.
"You know I'm come on let's go" Samantha says smiling
They both got into the car and head for the store, Samantha started driving to store with Bucky when they arrived both of them walked into the store and Samantha grabbed at shopping cart.

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