I Thought I Was Someone Else

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"Jacklyn!" the teacher yelled at the young woman that was asleep on her desk. Jacklyn awoke with a start. "Would you please give the answer to the question on the board."

"Yes miss." She thought about the question on the board for a few moments before answering, "C02."

"Correct!" the teacher replied joyfully. The bell rang. Everyone got up and started to pack up there belongings. "All right, class I'll see you next week, and don't forget to finish the homework," the teacher told the students that were still in the room.

"That was the longest science class ever." One student said the other.

Jacklyn followed the crowed of students down the hallway. Students looked at her as she walked down the hallway as if she wasn't meant to be there. Everyone looked at her that way ever since both her parents had died.

She blinked and the scene changed. Instead of a hallway, she was in the gym. Lights where flashing, the room was filled with at least 100 people from there her school. She was wearing a beautiful dress with flowers in her hair. A boy was slowly coming toward her. It was Sam Kosters, the school heartthrob that every girl swooned over.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked.

"Sure." She answered nervously.

He took her hand in his and they started to dance. She was living every girls dream. She never thought she would get the chance. The song was slow and long. She really hoped that he couldn't tell she was nervous.

"I have to go. Excuse me." She told Sam.

"Okay." He paused, "What's your name?"


She found herself in the bathroom without realizing where she was going. She was having a terrible sense of déjà vu. She turned to the mirror and gasped in shock. It was her, she looked about 17 and had bright red hair. She just tuned around when she bump into someone and fall on the floor.

"Jacklyn, I didn't see you there." The girl said apologetically.

"I didn't see you either, Emily," Jacklyn spoke from the floor in a sarcastic voice.

"Hey do you wasn't to go to Grab-N-Go and get some ice cream?" Emily said as she helped Jacklyn off the floor.

"Sure, why not."

After she had said those words she blinked and the scene changed again. This time it wasn't a dance but instead was the school parking lot. The two friends got into the car and sped off.

"So, did you like the dance?" Emily asked.

"Oh yes. You'll never guess who I danced with." She replied with anticipation.

"Um...I don't know, to many people to chose from, tell me."

"Sam Kosters," Jacklyn said coolly.




"Emily, look out!" Jacklyn interrupted with a shout.

Just as Emily tuned to see what she was pointing at, a truck hit the side of the car. The car flipped over and landed on the roof and slowly started to rock back and forth. The last thing she saw was Emily's lifeless body hanging upside down from her seat belt.

All Jacklyn could hear was the faint beeping of a machine. The light that was on in the room was terribly bright and she wished it was off. As she started to regain consciousness, she could hear people talking quietly as if not to wake her. When she finally able to open her eyes, she could see she was in a white room, a couple sitting on the couch in the room and a boy sitting in the corner nervously by him self.

"Where am I?" her throat was sore from not taking and was screaming at her to get some water.

"You're awake! You're finally awake!" cried the woman as she got you from her resting spot on the couch. Jacklyn gave her a look of confusion. "Do you know who we are?"

"No, I'm sorry I don't, who are you?"

"It's me your mother. That's your father. The boy over there is your boyfriend, Todd." The woman said pointing to the man on her left and them pointed to the boy in the corner.

"Can I please talk to me doctor?" Jacklyn said not wanting to continue the conversation until she knew what happened to her.

"Sure," said her father who toke with him her mother.

"Why am I here?"Jacklyn asked Todd.

"You got into a car crash on your way home from work. You've been in a coma ever since," replied Todd with a sad look on his face.

Jacklyn thought for a moment but spoke up quickly, "Where's Emily?"

"Who's Emily?" Todd replied without hesitation, "why would you ask that?"

"I thought I was someone else."

Before Todd could reply the doctor and her parents came into the room. The doctor was asking many questions along the lines of how are you, and how are you feeling, what she remembers and what she doesn't. He asked her what her dream was about and asked once more how she was feeling. She would reply with a forward answer for most of the questions and asked if she could answer some latter after she got more rest. During that time her eyes constantly drifted over to the boy who instead of looking nervous like he was before, he kept looking at her as if he was trying to figure her out. When the doctor and her parents left the boy was going to go with them but Jacklyn asked him to stay.

"I know I don't remember much but I would like to get to know you...again. Could you please stay, f-for a little bit longer?"

"Sure, anything for you," was his instant reply.

A/N- I hope you enjoyed the story and I hope to hear from you. See you!!!!! xD  

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