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"Y/N CAN YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS FOR ME QUICK!" You heard your brother call for you.

Rolling your eyes you slump down the stairs. You look around for your brother but you couldn't see him

"B/n? Dude, why would you call me downstairs if you're not even here?" You call out to him

Suddenly a coldness ran down your skin. A bucket falls on your head, you let out a gasp. It was cold.

"Oh- my- God" you manage to say, your body starts shivering. You thought the torture was over until you felt something powdery hit you.


you heard laughing, unfamiliar but recognizable, it was your brother's friends...all of them. Your brother was pretty popular so some of the most popular people in your grade were in your house...including your crush.

You became embarrassed, you were wearing clothing that you wouldn't normally wear to school. You felt all their eyes on you. You looked stupid, covered in flour and water, it began to clump up and become doughy

"Im gonna kill you." You say charging at the boys

They all scream like little kids while running away.

You run to your room, quickly washing the flour off of you while also loading your huge water gun from 2 summers ago

"B/n where are you?!" You call out to him, suddenly your crush turns the corner almost bumping into you, you raise the water gun to him immediately puts his hands up

"Wait!" He says in the voice that you would always recognize "I can be an ally" He prompts

"No," you say, rolling your eyes. He then grabbed his water gun...almost as if he had planned this whole thing

"Fine, but don't get in my way, and I call dibs on my brother," you say, as he steps behind you

"Whatever you say, princess" you shiver at the nickname, you cringed thinking about it, but eventually found it a bit flattering

You heard whispering from your backyard, you turn to h/n but he's gone.

"What the" you shrug it off and continue to focus on finding your brother, you planned to corner your brother from either side of him but seeing as c/n ditched you, you were going solo

You reached where your brother was hiding, you stayed silent. You could also see c/n waiting exactly where you wanted him to be, you counted down from 3 with your fingers and once you reached one, you both began raining hellfire on them

"OH SHIT! H/N WHAT THE FUCK! AH SHIT THATS COLD" Your brother and his friends yell

Soon everyone is laying on the grass of your backyard, soaking wet and laughing, you all hear a voice coming from the house

"You kids have fun?" Your mom says, smirking

You all start laughing a little again

"Yeah," we all say

"Good, now come clean up this flour on the ground before it messes up the varnish on the floor," she says before shutting the door.

Everyone else goes inside, and you stay outside in the sun, laying on the grass

"You good?" You hear the familiar voice again

You open your eyes

"Yeah I'm good, except for the fact that you ditched me" You Respond

"I didn't ditch you, I left you to help you, there's a difference," He says, offering a hand out to you

You take it and he pulls you up off the ground

"I had fun, y/n" your name rolled off his tongue, and it sent shivers down your spine

"I did too, H/n," you say, stretching the biggest smile you ever had.


I'm so sorry if this was trash lol, I'm trying.

Tysm for reading! <3333

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