Go down to the ocean (The crystal tide is raising)

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"Wow this is pretty cool." 

"Of course it is, it's an enchanted sword. Can ya put it down now?"

"Can I have it?"

"No, Tommy."

"Ooh! Can I have this one?"

"Tommy no."


 Techno's never raised a kid before. Never had to. Never planned to. Thought he never would. He didn't think letting Tommy, a 15 year old Teenager in his house would end up with him having to closely watch his every move so none of his stuff goes missing.

The voices weren't helping, either. He asked about babysitting children hoping at least one of the thousands would know but it was mostly chanting of "KILL IT" E" "Orphan Obliterator" "HUMINAHUMINAHUMINAHUMINA" "BLOOD" and of course, he wouldn't kill Tommy. Not even for a million diamonds, or anything.

He knew the basics, like immediately after finding Tommy in such a terrible condition, he got new clothes for him.

Since, well, the ones he were wearing could hardly count as clothes. More like, ripped pieces of fabric draped over his tall and lanky frame.

Techno also noticed how Tommy wouldn't let him touch him. He was about to put his wrist to Tommy's forehead, then he flinched back. 

His main priority, though, other than Tommy, is to find out who did this. It sounded like Tommy was about to call him Dream, but surely Dream wouldn't do that.

Sure, Techno and him had their quarrels in the past, but he's hung out with Dream enough to know he wouldn't do no such thing.

I mean, what would be his reason to? 



"I said your name like 7 times. You didn't respond." Tommy replied.

"Oh. Um." Techno didn't really know what to say to that. He does often zone out like that, so it's not much news to him. 

"Are you cold?" 

"No- No I'm fine."

He was sure of Tommy shivering a moment ago, but he wasn't going to argue. The piglin turned back to his book. If he's being honest, he doesn't even remember having it.

It's something to do though, to keep his mind off of everything just for a bit.


Tommy shouldn't be here. He should've never left exile, he should go back. He should tell Techno he can no longer stay, and leave. Surely Techno wouldn't get mad at him.

But if he goes back, Dream would kill him. He'd be dead. He should stay. He should- He's- He's fine. He's fine. He's okay. It'll be alright.

"Where can I sleep?" Tommy's pretty tired. I mean, after walking for ages to Techno's home, it makes sense.

"There's one upstairs. I don't have a spare bed so you can use mine." Techno replied. 

Oh but it's- "Where would you sleep, though?" 

"I can go a night without sleep just fine. You go rest." 

I mean, if he's allowing it, it's not like he'll get in trouble or anything. He pulls the blue fabric Techno gave him closer, then heads upstairs.

He see's a blue and white flag while on his way up, which confuses him since he knows how much Techno despises anarchy. In fact, he's experienced the piglin's hate for it firsthand...

No, no. No thinking about that. He doesn't need to be reminded of it. Where did Techno say his bed was again? Right. Upstairs. Yeah.

Tommy climbs into the bed, pulling the blankets over him, and, holy shit are they ever warm. He hasn't slept on a bed this nice si- since- since L'manburg. It's been so long. 

But he doesn't want to think about what could have been.

He just wants to sleep.
And, after what felt like hours (it was 7 and a half minutes), Tommy found himself slowly drifting off into a dreamless rest.





Tommy's eyes shot open, and as he quickly sat up he immediately regretted it. "augghh- What happened to my head?" 

"Tommy, nothing happened to your head. You just sat up too fast." Techno deadpanned. His often blank expression was along with slight worry— And after several months of exile, Tommy picked up on how to read facial expressions so he knew when it would be safe to say anything to dream.

"Is something wrong? Why the fuck would you wake me up? I was having my beauty sleep." Tommy asked.

Techno mumbled something incomprehensible.


"Dream is outside." 

Suddenly his whole body felt as if it just shut down. Like someone stabbed him right in the chest. He's- He's fucking gonna be stabbed in the chest if he doesn't- 

"I- I have to hide. Would he see me under the bed? Or would the covers be better? Or-" 


"-Or maybe it would be better i-i-if I just go with him? Yeah. Dream-Dream's my friend. He- he wouldn't do anything wrong, would he? I mean- sure he's-" 


Tommy snapped his head towards Techno.

"Just drink this, and you can hide under the table. All four sides are covered, although your legs and harms can stick through. As long as he doesn't notice the potion particles and if you don't make a sound, he won't see you."

Tommy hated drinking potions. Sure, they made him feel great but the burning sensation in his lungs was unbearable.


"Trust me Tommy. It'll be alright." 

Techno passed him a bottle of a metallic, lavender liquid. It smelled terrible, and Tommy was sure of it tasting just as vile as it's scent. 

He watched the thick, translucent liquid slosh around in the bottle for a few moments before pressing the rim to his lips.

"Bottoms up." 

He immediately felt the burn. It was like a million tiny hot coals lit up everywhere in his chest. Maybe he was just being a baby, since he's seen people down 3 strength pots all at once without flinching or showing any reaction.

I guess this was why techno always used the splash versions. 1st degree burns are more tolerable than the fucking unleashed hell in his throat.


Tommy froze. He could recognize the sick bastard's voice anywhere. He was about to speak but was interrupted by Techno giving him a shove.

"Go under." Techno muttered under his breath. Tommy gladly abided and slid under the table pushing himself back to the furthest corner. He could barely see anything from where he was, other than the piglin's hooves.

He hears the creaking of an opening door.

"Oh, Dream, what brings you here?" Oh shit. Tommy was screwed. He'd think Techno would be at least a little decent at acting but holy fuck was he terrible at acting casual.

"Well, Tommy has been under my care for a few months, and he ran away just about a day ago. I've been worried sick, since who knows what trouble he's gotten himself into?" 

"Ah. Well I haven't seen him if thats what you're trying to say." Techno replied. Tommy takes back what he said about the piglin's bad acting.

"Do you mind if I go inside for a bit? It's a bit cold haha. And, you can also give me a house tour since I don't think I've seen this place before!" 

Techno purses his lips in frustration. "Dream- Dream I'm kind of busy right now. Could you jus-"


Tommy can feel the confusion radiating off of Techno. He catches sight of a pair of black boots with a neon green smile engraved on the side.

"Oh, fuck me."

The black boots spin around with the tip of the shoe pointing towards him.

"Who said that?"

Well, shit.

"bruhhh Dream it was me, stop being so paranoid." Tommy let out a quiet sigh of relief. Thank the gods that Techno was here.

"Huh, didn't know you swore. Why'd you say it though?" Dream questioned. That fucking bastard couldn't just mind his own business.

"Because the uh- I forgot to replenish my stash of gapples."

Dream looked back towards the table. "Whatever you say, Techno."

Then Dream bends down, and suddenly Tommy is face-to-face with the white smile mask he's became all too familiar with. 



Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, leave a vote! If you want, leave a comment! I love seeing people's opinions and critiques on my writing so it would be appreciated :D

Have a good day/night ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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