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June 14, 1973
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Valerie lazily lay her bed, gazing at her book that lay on her stomach. She was contemplating whether or not to read it before she heard a voice calling out to her from across the mansion. She sighed. It was her headmaster's voice, yelling for her to fetch him something that he would claim was useless not minutes later. She stood up, the book flying to some part of her room.

It was bigger than her room at home. Her small, creaky bed, was replaced with a Queen sized bed with comfortable blankets and pillows to match the red coloring across the room. In the corner sat a small chair and a shelf full of unread books Valerie had not picked up in months.

She lifted her legs off the bed dramatically, not wanting to aid her headmaster in whatever useless task he had in store for her. She used her ability to stall what little time she had, slowing down the time around her so she could quietly clear her mind before Charles had her busy herself.

Years ago, when her parents sent her to Charles, there were a few students eager to learn about their powers and how to use them to do better. Charles quickly saw greatness in Valerie, and Valerie grew onto Charles. And then when the incident in Cuba happened, most of the students had left on their own or passed away because of various reasons. Valerie decided to stay, still angry at her parents for sending her away because of uer abilities.

Valerie hadn't heard from her mother and father since they left her. No Christmas presents, no birthday cards, not even calls or simple "I love you's" to her. The mutant girl heard from Charles that they had moved somewhere else, some other small area so people couldn't find them and they'd have all the time to themselves. Either way, Valerie didn't care what her parents did with their life. She just knew that they didn't want her to be in it.

When she cleared her thoughts, Valerie left her little space of slowed-down time, and walked into Professor Xavier's office. She room was nice and clearly expensive, but the man sitting at the chair looked anything but. Charles Xavier sat in the plush chair behind the desk, rifling through papers. He looked up when he noticed the blonde girl at the doorway.

"Valerie, do you remember that paper I had on your ability to direct yourself forward in time? I think I left it in the kitchen. Will you go get it for me?" Valerie nodded shortly and turned on her heel to grab the papers. She slightly sprinted down the hall, not caring if she ran into anyone. She had been living there for the past six years and no one occupied the mansion other than herself, Charles, and Hank McCoy, another mutant who she had quickly caught an emotional bond with. She didn't mind the quiet most of the time.

Once she entered the kitchen and spotted the small stack of papers on the counter, she grabbed them and started to head back.

When she was near the doorway that lead into the main part of the mansion, she heard chattering from the room. Now alert, she quickly put her back against the wall and listened in. There seemed to be two voices, one being Hank's and the other being unrecognizable. Their chatting became angrier, and Valerie listened closely, seeing if she had to use her powers to help her blue friend.

"I came to see the professor." The unknown voice said. Valerie stiffened at the mention of her teacher. The next thing she heard was the stairs in the room creaking, letting her know that Charles had joined the conversation. Feeling safer, she stepped out from the hallway. The voice, who was a tall brunette man, looked over at her confusingly.

The man and Valerie's teacher talked, mainly about the man's, who she had learned was named Logan, reason for being here. His goal was to break Magneto, otherwise known to Charles as Erik, out of the Pentagon to stop Mystique from killing the man responsible for inventing the Sentinels, which would cause the extinction of mutants in the future. Charles tried to refuse, but after a few minutes of bickering, ended up agreeing in the end.

"I do know someone who could help us. He was much older when I knew him though." Logan told Charles. The ex-telepath sighed and, for the first time, looked over at the blonde girl standing in the corner. She had remembered the papers in her hand, and walked up to him and gave him the papers, hoping that he would let her tag along.

Charles sighed, "I suppose, since I can't leave you unsupervised, you can come with us, Valerie." Valerie smiled, but internally she felt as if she wanted to run around the mansion at full speed until she passes out.

{Hi guys so i probably wont update a lot and i know i didnt get the scene correct but its like 12 am and i didnt wanna watch the movie all over again just for this scene

anyway i like reading comments so pls comment}

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