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Wow really?! We're going on a vacation? Where to? "

"Your father and I decided maybe to the beach? How about that? A day at the beach with us? "

"Yeah ! Let's go! "

I never would've thought I would lose you two.


"Hello. Do you have an appointment mam?"

"Yes I do with Dr. Tajima Uchiha. I'm here for the interview.

"Ah yes Miss (Y/n) (L/n) ? You're just in time. Walk all the way to the back and the first door on the left. He's there waiting to see you."

"Thank you. "

The hospital was still the same.

The same temperature. The same people and most of all the same man.

Maybe the one who even killed your parents.

After many years you were back to get revenge. To find out who and why your parents were killed.

There was no way in hell you were going to leave this hospital without an answer.

Knock knock knock

"Come in."

That voice.

The same voice that scars you this day.

Dr. Tajima Uchiha.

You walked in the room to see the cunning old man in his chair spinning around playing with the pen on his hand.

He turned his attention towards you and said "Welcome. I'm Dr. Tajima Uchiha , as you can see. Nice to meet you Miss (L/n). Come here and have a seat. Would you like some whiskey? It's all I have at this moment."

You politely shook your head and sat down straight with your attention all on him.

The old doctor nodded and poured himself a shot of the alcohol. In one gulp he drank it all and tossed the glass cup in the nearby bin.

Why? You had no clue .

"Well then let's get down to business. You're here to take the spot as the new gynecologist , am I right?"

"Yes sir. "

"Very well then. I've read your reviews on the small jobs you did during your training. Very impressive . You're more impressive than my son. "

"Son? So the bastard has children. "

"You will be paired up with Izuna for a while until you are able to have your own office and take over the department. "

The old man went to his computer and typed a few things until there was a knock on his door.
He sighed in frustration and yelled "Come in."

Right after he said that , the door opened to reveal two young men, older than you with the same features as the old doctor .

They both walked in side by side not noticing your presence and said "Afternoon father. "

The old man greeted them back and pointed out "Madara, Izuna you both came in the wrong moment. I'm interviewing this young lady here. Well not that it's an interview , she's pretty much part of us now."

Both men turned to look at you and greeted you. One with a menacing look and the other with a smile.

The one with the smile spoke up first.

"Hello , my name is Izuna Uchiha and this here is my older brother Madara."

"So that's Izuna. Not bad , he has a nice smile and very well mannered . Nice to meet you both. My name is (Y/n) (L/n). It's an honor to meet you both."

Izuna laughed and said "Oh no the honor is mine. It's nice to see such a pretty lady here and a doctor at that."

"Not only is he handsome but a flirt. Nice try Uchiha. You flatter me Izuna, I mean Dr."

Again he laughed once more and tried to speak out again until Madara said "Enough Izuna. Let's go. Father we'll see you later. "

He grabbed his brother and walked out with him, but not before he took one last look at you and slammed the door shut.

They weren't kidding when you heard the Uchiha men were handsome. At first you thought it was just an exaggeration since the only one you met was Tajima years ago and he wasn't that handsome considering his age.

But once you saw his sons you changed your mind. Madara and Izuna were both handsome , tall and very well mannered but only Izuna.

However there was something hiding deep into their eyes when they laid them on you.


Secrets that you soon wanted to reveal.

"I can't wait ."

Dedicated to Kougaslove_

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