Tainted Memories

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Madara Uchiha was a very bad tempered man. Especially when it came to his younger brother Izuna. Izuna was a bit smarter than him and much more kind to people but when both brothers were to meet his father during a meeting they didn't expect to see you there.

It was a surprise to Madara. After many years you appeared and became a doctor, just like him.

Madara was sure you didn't remember him nor his brother Izuna. How could you when you were in agony for the death of your parents.

Both Uchiha's clearly remembered when you were coming in . You were laying on the wheeled stretcher , holding onto the paramedics hand asking for your parents.

Your eyes were roaming the ceiling, your left eyebrow had a cut slicing across it, your cheeks has small cuts caused by the shattered glass and your clothes damped with blood.

He was only 13 years old when that happened, young but he was no idiot. All his life he would see people come in and go either dead or alive .

It was cruel for his father to bring them along to the hospital but if both boys were going to become doctors they had to see what occurred and how things worked in there.

But Madara and Izuna didn't care. They wanted to be there , experience it and become the best doctors so their father and family could be proud of them.

And they did. Izuna Uchiha and Madara Uchiha were known far and wide. Even their younger cousins, Obito, Shisui and Itachi were very much in the same league as them.

It was something to be proud of and Madara being the oldest took his and their jobs very serious.

And now he had a bigger reason since you came along.

"Say Madara you know who that girl is right?"

"Of course I do. It's that same girl we visited before . I'm positive she doesn't remember us. If she did she would've greeted us much more differently. "

"You're right. She has grown , if you know what I mean. Even her scar isn't very much visible anymore."

"Izuna, quit it. She's a woman not an object, respect her.

But yes, I agree. The scar is pretty much gone, but to us we can still see it."

Izuna and Madara had left their fathers office and were on their way to lunch when suddenly another one of theirs came running towards them and said "Hey guys! Did you see that new doctor? She's really pretty!"

"We saw her already Shisui. By the way , can you quiet down we're in the hallways you dumb ass, there are patients in critical care."

"H-hey sorry about that. I just saw her and man let me tell you she has such a pretty smile."

"Hmmm she smiled at you? Was it sincere or fake?" asked Madara.

"Uhhh I don't know, what kind of question is that ? Well it seemed normal to me. But who cares at least she'll be in the same floor as Izuna and me. Maybe I can ask her to a cup of coffee or something? Not that I'm trying to hit on her , we all have busy lives here."

Madara scoffed and kept walking on ahead leaving them both behind still wondering about you.

Shisui and Izuna were right, you grew into a pretty woman with a strong attitude. He would've have stayed a little longer but he couldn't since his father was still speaking to you about a few other things.

One thing that pissed him off was that Izuna was to help you out and not him. It only made sense since Izuna did share the same occupation as you.

His was completely different, not involving child and women care.

He couldn't understand to why Izuna even picked on being a Obstetrician/Gynecologist.

That was more of a woman's job , or so he has told him numerous time. Even Shisui happened to be the exact same thing.

It was only natural for them since they were more calming and sincere with pregnant woman and during child labor . Madara knew that wasn't his type of thing so he chose being a surgeon along with his father and Itachi who just graduated.

"Why would she of all places apply here?"

Madara was still in thought when he heard heels walking towards him in the hallway. He looked up and saw you smiling and having a conversation with Obito .

Obito quickly noticed and said "Oh hello Madara. Have you meet (Y/n)? I mean Dr. (L/n) ?"

"I have indeed. Obito shouldn't you be headed to the lab? Miss (L/n) here is new here and she shouldn't be making acquaintances so quickly. Am I right ?"

"Ahh I guess? But she's new so that should be another reason why we should be acquainted with her Madara. How bad can that be? You're acting like a jerk right now."

Obito and Madara continued to bicker , giving you much more suspicion towards the older male.

Why couldn't you be friends with Obito now? Was it because Obito spoke so easily of certain topics or because of something else?

You wanted to know more but you realized it was time for you to meet up again with Dr. Tajima about other things needed for you and your new office.

Tapping onto Obito's shoulder you smiled and said "It's fine , I'm sure Dr. Uchiha here has his reasons. I'll see you both later? I must head back to Dr.Uchiha once more."

"Awww well okay. By the way , call me Dr.Obito please. You'll get us all confused by calling us our last name. Same goes for Madara and Izuna. Just call them by their first names ."

"I see. Thank you. I'll be going now. Goodbye Dr.Madara , Dr.Obito."

You turned towards the other way , not wanting to bump into Izuna who was seen with another doctor you weren't presented to yet.

It was a good thing Obito was seen outside Dr.Tajimas office when you exited and walked the other way, not knowing how the hospital worked . It wasn't big but it wasn't small, just good enough to hide many secrets.

He happily led you down the shorter hallway that led towards his side of the department and the cafeteria where the doctors and nurses all ate.

You wanted to avoid meeting anymore Uchihas which was going to make your job a lot harder now since you've already met Madara, Izuna and Obito.

This meant one thing. You needed to call your fiancé .

You took out your cellular device and dialed him. It rang a few times until the cheerful voice answered.

"Hey love how is it?"

"Hashi? Guess what?"

Dedicated to Kougaslove_

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