
917 10 1

Name: anon
Age: 17
Nicknames: nonny, the magenta rider

Name: anonAge: 17Nicknames: nonny, the magenta riderLooks

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Decade form (violent emotion)

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Decade form (violent emotion)

CardsDecade cardFinal form cardsBlast cardSlash card Illusion card Clock up card Invisible card Ore sanjou card (why well why not)Gigant cardFinal attack ride card

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Decade card
Final form cards
Blast card
Slash card
Illusion card
Clock up card
Invisible card
Ore sanjou card (why well why not)
Gigant card
Final attack ride card

Likes: the mane6, spike, sweets, kamen riders, music, the princesses, fighting, being a kamen rider, sweets, reading, music, singing, protecting equestria, the color magenta, animals

Dislikes: bullies, being told what to do, equestria being in danger, people calling magenta pink, his friends being sad

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