my dearest

51 12 14

we picked the movie that looked most interesting, a horror movie that didn't look too scary to me. i had this amazing idea of buying one popcorn so we could share them and an opportunity to touch your hand while we both fish for popcorn at the same time. it was brilliant, i had thought.

" who's there ? ", the young girl asked, hands tightly holding a hockey stick. " tell me before i call the police ". it was then a soft chuckle could be heard, the girl perked up. the chuckle turned into a deeper laugh becoming more menacing and deafening. " boo ", a hand had shot out from the ceiling grabbing the hockey stick. 

your scream scared me more than the jump scare if i'm being honest. the popcorn flew out of your hand flying around and onto the person who sat in front of us. i remember the short man cursing at us in what i figured later was chinese. laughter escaped my mouth as soon as we stepped out of the movie theater. 

you had hit my shoulder and laughed as well. making me hold your hand throughout the day which i was more than glad to.

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