I Won't Give Up

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It's been almost a month and a half, Kirstie told herself mentally.

"A month and a half since the break up and you're still being a little baby." She mumbled to herself outloud this time.

"Did you say something Kirst?" Scott asked.

They were in the studio wrapping up and listening to some final cuts of some material they were working on.

"No, I didn't." She lied.

She glanced at the clock and wondered how time could be going so slow.


She debated for a while and finally decided that she would take a thirty minute nap and layed her head on the end of the couch, drifting off to sleep.

Avi watched her this whole time. They all knew her and Jeremy broke up, but Avi saw something more. She wasn't just upset. She was devastated. He saw the lack of sleep, the lack of eating, the lack of just pure motivation. It was like a disease, and it it was eating her alive. It pained him to see how much it hurt her, but he felt a little relieved when she layed down.

'Atleast she's getting sleep.' He thought.

Soon thirty minutes went by and the team was exhausted. Scott and Mitch left almost as soon as the session was over, forgetting they were the ones that brought Kirstie. Kevin and Avi came separately since Kevin had some last minute things to take care of.

"See you at home?" He asked Avi.

"Yeah, man." Avi said and they went separate ways to their cars.

Avi turned and accidently ran into Kirstie.

"Whoa! I'm so sorry!" He apologized.

"It's okay." She said quietly.

Avi studied her for a minute.

"I thought you left with Scott and Mitch? Didn't they bring you?"

"Yeah, but I guess they forgot about me." She shrugged.

Avi frowned. "I'll take you home. I'm sorry they did that.."

"It's not your fault." She said as they walked to his car.

"Here let me help with those." Avi said taking her bag off her shoulder and a backpack from the other, leaving her with her purse.

"Thanks." She smiled slightly.

Avi noticed and smiled wide. This was the first time in about a month that she has even cracked a smile.

"Why do you have all of this anyway?" Avi asked tossing it in the back seat.

"It's just some stuff I left at Scott and Mitch's place. I haven't had time to go and get it." She said as Avi got in the drivers seat.

He nodded and they drove off. Avi picked up the aux chord and motioned it towards Kirstie.

"You wanna play some music?" He said taking his eyes off the road for a split second to look at her, but quickly returned his gaze back to the road.

She reluctantly took the aux chord and plugged her phone in, putting it on shuffle. The first song to come on was 'I Won't Give Up' by Jason Mraz. Kirstie didn't want to listen to this song at the moment, but let it play anyway. She soon regretted it once tears started to silently fall down her cheeks. Avi noticed almost instantly and hestitated on reaching for her hand. He soon got over himself and he couldn't take not comforting her anymore. He reached for her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. He gave her hand a small squeeze and slowly moved his thumb in circles over hers without taking his eyes off the road. Kirstie was stunned by his sudden action, but she didn't find it wierd or creepy. She found it soothing and she... Liked it.

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