a shattered star.

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" Do you want to become a star....not a movie star but...a star like the ones in the sky?" Lisa's voice was small, barely above a whisper. She looked up towards the night sky her brown hair falling out of her face and behind her shoulders, the corners of her lips forming a slight smile. We sat on the old swing set in our neighborhood park it was a weekend so we still got a few hours till we both had to go home. I looked at her and studied the way her legs sung back and forth and the way she looked under the moonlight, how she loved the stars, how when ever she was sad she talked about stars or how she said that when ever I'm sad I should think of stars....and it always works but only because of her. She then brought her gaze back to me wanting and answer, she narrowed her brown eyes and waved her small hand in front of my face. "Cam, can I have an answer?" I snapped back to reality and my mind went back to the question at hand. " Ya I guess.... but why a star I mean why not, I don't know, a cat?" Lisa glared at me put up her hand, and flicked my forehead giggling. "Dork." She whispered she looked down at the ground stopped swinging her legs and sighed I nudged her shoulder she wanted to tell me something I could always tell these things. "What is it?" I questioned



"I'm.....moving to another state across the country."

"Is that why you been acting weird lately?"

"Ya I didn't know how to tell you, we are leaving in a few weeks." I sighed and poked her check. "Cam, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like Sherlock?" She stood up and walked off. "Hey don't get offended Sherlock Holmes!" I called after her, I could hear her soft laugh and she turned around, walking backwards and she hollered " I have to go home!"

"How do you know the time?!"

"The moon!" She she said and pointed up then turned around and walked home and I did the same.

The next few weeks were a blur just a blob of school and homework, but the peculiar thing was that I began to see less and less of Lisa most likely because of her moving. Soon it came down to the last day I was able to see her until she moved. That moment was a moment that I couldn't erase no matter how badly I wanted to. "Don't forget me when I'm gone, okay?" Her voice seemed soft as silk and she made tiny hand movements while doing so. Her brown eyes now full sorrow and fear, her brown hair pulled up into a bun. Every. Last. Detail.

I didn't care for the long months after that but after 3 months she was coming down for her spring break sadly I would be in school but I never felt happier. Till the next morning when she we were supposed to see each other, where instead I got news that would shatter every part of me and rip my life to pieces that would never come together to form a perfect picture. The news that she died in a car crash her whole family, Mom, Dad, her brother Jason. Lisa. They never found her or Jason's body and it's foolish to think that she is still alive. But I believe anyway it just mades me sadder and no matter how much I think of stars...it never helps.

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