Chapter 7

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Ayim got back from her mission feeling exhausted so she went to her estate to take a rest.

She showered first then put on a pair of sleep ware. She laid on the futon and when she decided to close her eyes, she heard a knock from her door.

"Come in." She muttered and the door slid open revealing Tengen holding a basket.

"How are you feeling my dear?" He asked as he steps inside. Ayim then sat on her back.

"Fucked up." She thought to herself and Tengen was just confused.

"Tired as usual." She said completely different from what she's thinking.

"I brought you some food. Prepared by Hinatsuru." He said and he handed Ayim the basket then she received it.

"I've decided." Said Ayim. Tengen focused on what she's trying to say.

"I'll be your girlfriend." She added and Tengen smiled from ear to ear.

"Really? You don't know how happy I am!" He said then he pulled Ayim into a tight hug completely crushing her.

"I can't breathe." Ayim said and Tengen pulled away.

"Sorry. I was just so happy!" He muttered but Ayim just smile on him.

"Can you leave me now so I can rest?" Asked Ayim softly.

"Of course. But later at dinner, we'll go to my house. My wives wants to meet you so bad." He replied.

"Sure. That's not a problem." She said and she laid down to her futon again. Tengen pecked her lips before leaving her to rest.

Ayim woke up feeling sore from her mission. She saw the basket Tengen gave her and decided to rummage some snacks. She managed to munch on some breads and fruits.

"Ayim..." Said Giyu coming out of her bathroom.

"What the fuck?! When did you get here?!" Ayim asked completely startled.

"Not so long ago. Sorry I scared you." He replied and he walked to Ayim and gave her a kiss.

"Giyu..." Said Ayim as their lips parted. Giyu hummed in response while looking at her.

"You can't do that anymore. We can't do that." She added.

"Why? Don't you like it?" He asked.

"I do but, Tengen and I are exclusive now." She replied and Giyu's face ran cold.

"I see... Sorry." He said.

"It's okay. But we can still hang out and zone out." She said with a little laugh and Giyu rubbed her hair.

"Do you have plans tonight?" He asked.

"Yep. Tengen invited me to dinner in their house." She replied.

"Are you going to sleep over?" He asked.

"Most likely but I hope not." She replied and his face was confused.

"Why not? He's your boyfriend." He asked.

"Well, I kinda miss sleeping alone. You know, not worrying if I'm gonna punch someone in the face accidentally." She replied.

"I see. It's almost dinner, you should seek for Uzui." He said and before they left the estate, Ayim changed her clothes.

"There you are my flamboyant princess." Ayim heard Tengen's voice behind her.

"Are you ready?" He asked and Ayim nodded.

The two then left the headquarters and walked hand in hand. They didn't talk much but Tengen heard every thought of Ayim and some of it disturbs him. When they reached the house, they were greeted by his wives.

"Tengen-sama, Ayim-san, welcome home." They greeted in unison and Ayim couldn't help to smile. Her hair turned into pink as she blushed upon seeing the beautiful wives of her boyfriend.

They entered the house and gathered in the dining area.

"I want to sit beside Tengen-sama." Said Suma in a surprisingly calm way.

"Suma, let Ayim-san sit beside him for now." Replied Makio who's also surprisingly calm. Suma only pouted as a response and Hinatsuru giggled.

"Ayim-san, how's your missions going?" Hina asked.

"Well, nothing changed, it's still dangerous and scary like always." Ayim replied.

"Indeed! That's why I'll ask Oyakata-sama to assign me with you for every mission." Said Tengen as he continued to munch on the food.

"You don't have to do that. I work better alone." Ayim muttered.

"Ah~ you're so lucky you get to work with Tengen-sama!" Said Suma with a teary eyed.

"So loud. I hate it." Ayim thought.

"Uh- Suma my wife, can you not yell everytime? You know I'm sensitive to noises." Said Tengen and Suma apologized.

After the dinner, they had some tea and talk about lives then Suma asked them if they can sleep already.

"Come now Ayim-san and lay down besides Tengen-sama." Called Makio.

"But I want to sleep beside him! She gets to sit already beside him earlier! It's my turn!" Said Suma while suppressing her tears. Hina then sighed.

"You idiot! It's her first time here and you're already showing this side of yours?! What if she doesn't marry Tengen-sama because of you!" Scolded Makio. Ayim gave a soft smile but her hair actually turned into fire red.

"Can I sleep in a separate room instead?" Asked Ayim and Tengen looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you sure? There's plenty of space here." Said Tengen.

"I actually prefer to sleep alone." She replied.

"Okay then, if that's want you want. I just want to keep you happy." He said and Hina guided Ayim to another room. She helped her lay the futon and pillows down.

"Goodnight Ayim-san, sleep well!" She said and left the room. Ayim then laid down and lets out a sigh.

"This is so complicated." She thought.

On the other hand, when Hina got back, she saw Suma happily clinging onto Tengen who's staring at the ceiling.

"Tengen-sama..." She called and Tengen looked at her.

"You should be with her tonight. Don't mind us, we're your wives. She's your girlfriend and it will be unfair if you let her sleep alone in your own house." Said Hina.

"No, she said she likes to sleep alone so let's sleep now too." Said Suma. Makio contained herself from hitting Suma so she just shut her eyes.
Ayim and Tengen can't sleep. She can't sleep because of over thinking and he can't sleep because he listens to her horrible thoughts.

"When's my day gonna come? I'm so done with my life."
"Should I fake my own death?"

After midnight, Tengen left her wives and went to Ayim's room. He saw his girlfriend sleeping peacefully as if she didn't think about death. He laid beside her and held her close to him.

Morning came and Ayim woke up to the sound of light snoring only to find out that Tengen's clinging onto her.

"Fuck I didn't die in my sleep."
"I hope I'll die tonight." She thought.

Tengen woke up because her thoughts are loud.

"You okay, princess?" He asked and Ayim looked at him with a smile.

"Yep. Good morning." She greeted with a smile. He couldn't help but to smile too he leaned in to give her a kiss and Ayim gladly received it.

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