The Lady

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Briefly introduced, because she was not brought up properly when she was young, people only know that she is a woman that a woman or woman usually calls a lady.

From a young age, lady Was a child with a weird body with big bones but no matter how much she eats she can't gain weight she is exceptionally tall with long arms and legs she has very beautiful hair but it is undeniable She has a body that looks like a demon and this made all the children and adults around her afraid of her when she was five years old, her mother died.

At that time, she was too young to understand why her mother did not appear anymore and from that moment her father said goodbye to her. Because he was afraid he was afraid that one day he would also become a dead person because he believed that his child was a bad point. He kicked her out and just visited a circus. see that scene

The circus owner is a very stingy and greedy person he sees the girl keep seeing the gold coins will fall into his hands he knows that if the circus has her the circus will become more prosperous because this girl is a freak in both shapes and personality

Why do I say she has a personality It's because she didn't have a playmate ever since she was a child and even the adults around her treat her differently and she doesn't hate people. simply sitting in a corner without saying anything the children as children will be affected by the things around her too she thinks she is a demon the only friend she plays with is a human you must never leave the dark because of that boy. Suffering from a disease that all the men in the boy's family have

To seduce the girl

The circus owner used sweet words to entice the little girl into his circus troupe. From small to large, except for her mother, he was the first person who treated her well, so you thought he was a good man and you followed me

Of course, she soon found out he wasn't a good person because the food he gave her was leftovers yes, a pile of leftovers for a six-year-old, a pile of leftovers that should have been must be for the animals in the caravan

But no they let a six-year-old girl eat it

At first, they even treated her kindly and gave her a brother but gradually they even beat her not to feed her in a circus with a tiger albino and deformed with two This tiger's tail is special as well as the little girl. This tiger is also treated brutally, but because it has been locked since childhood, the tiger does not dare to protest.

Do you know why elephants when locked up never escape because since childhood they have been locked up with a rope that is a stake? When they grow up, they still think it is a strong stake and rope. like anise. They're small, but they don't know that they're able to escape now

She seems to see herself in the tiger, a peculiar creature mistreated by her own kind as if she were an object without feelings.

Of course, he still has feelings, but he can still feel it, but she can still feel it because as an adult, she still knows what's going on around her.

And because of that, she decided that one day when the circus opened up, she would run away

And that day came sooner than she thought. One fine day during the torch juggling a person made a bat into a mop basin without knowing it and when they mopped the floor the floor cleaner and alcohol created a strange way. fire 🔥 super fast

The torch showed accidentally dropped sparks and they caught fire. The passengers became panicky and everyone rushed to find water, no one noticed, a little girl and a tiger ran out of the theater.

Until everyone found out, that girl ran into the forest like a pretty girl saying that the forest would be the best place to hide

But the girl was wrong they still found the girl and the tiger so they had to jump into the abyss Fortunately there is a lake under the cliff but this lake is very shallow enough for the little girl to jump safely but uncle tigers don't

He fell and smashed his ribs into the water, this caused him to break his bones and bleed. She is only 8 years old.

She is still very young and panicking fortunately when she was still in the circus she had read through a book about herbs but she could still pick Herbs to heal the tiger.

If this is a fairy tale, the tiger will surely come back to life and live happily with her forever but no, this is real life the tiger couldn't get over it after a month of resisting the intense pain that made him cry. continuous chirping This attracts wild animals fortunately this is a smart girl otherwise it would have perished in the forest hunger caused the tiger to sleepwalk and on one occasion he watched food The little girl knew it wasn't the tiger's fault, but it was dangerous to do so, so she decided to train her senses to watch out for animals as well as tigers.

After the loss of the tiger, the little girl found this notebook belongs to an archaeologist who has traveled to many places and seen many strange things like the little girl and the tiger.

So she followed the diary and was found at the archeology house and was found at the beginning he was terrified by imagining a wild child in the woods.

No kidding, just imagine if you were inside and suddenly saw a shaggy forest tree with long legs and a taller body than young trees of the same age, would you be scared?

Chances are he's seen strange things, so he got used to it very quickly

The girl said she used to learn to distinguish words

But after writing, she did not recover

Classical music gives the girl two candies

To comfort her after hearing what she was going through but she was very wary especially when staying with the owner of the circus 🎪 but after a few days he finally got to know her. he feels that she is a very good learner and enjoys the application. King

He decided to become her teacher

Step by step instructions

And after a few years

That girl is really a genius

The eight-year-old girl who has to fight wild animals and pick herbs every day is now a doctor

She has been tried twice by her teacher as well as her father is a potion, a piece of paper and hopes that in the future and can develop this medicine because the father can only do so far. two is an outfit similar to a mask she feels so happy because this is the fifth gift she's been given

The first gift was the pain when her mother passed away and her father did not believe in life

The second gift is people can't believe other people just because they say sweet words ( 🙃)

The third gift is empathy, Empathy for amber being treated unfairly like me

Wednesday and Thursday are (mysterious clothes and potion) kidding* Wednesday and Thursday are your knowledge and love (friendship from the boy in the dark)

Lady defaulted to the outfit with the mask and looked in the teacher's last message and saw that there was a line that said if it's really necessary, please come to the organization and she chose the mask organization

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