Chapter 9

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Quick note: I will like to tell that this is almost the same as last episode, but its all from Yamaguchi's point of view

Yamaguchi's Pov:

We had already finished all our lessons we had today, our last class was science and the teacher was talking about us about the supermassive black holes, which was a topic I was invested for in a long time and I finally get to talk with someone about it since we did it in class, if I had done it before people will start thinking bad things about me, or probably not. Supermassive black holes is one of my favorite lessons because it tells you all about how they can give birth to starts and they can also determine how much stars a galaxy would have, that's what I like the most, that it is related to stars and space in general is one of my favorite things to look for. Thanks to god I was in the group work with Tsuki and Sune, since I already know them and it wouldn't be weird doing it with them.

I started packing my things to head out of the classroom and I saw Sune walking out.

"Sune! Wait for me!" I called out.

"Oh right! Sorry I forgot I was walking with you today" She said apologizing because of the sudden moment.

"Don't worry! So, what will you like to do? Cause if you want we can go to my house and then visit a coffee shop or?" I said as I walked out of school with her.

She told me that she loved the idea, and that she will like to change her uniform since she wasn't comfortable in the clothes they used. She said all that with a smile on her face, that smile...that smile that lights up your whole day, the smile that is brighter than any star.

We walked for a couple more minutes as I admired her hair which was painted blue with white but it was slowly fading, I missed her brunette hair, she will look even prettier with that mesmerizing brown color that reminded you of the most beautiful forests you could think of.

"Sune, have you planned on going back to your brunette hair?" I asked with intrigue.

"Yeah actually, I like the blue hair a lot, but Im afraid that some teachers have called my attention. Luckily it fades with every wash so I wont have it for so much time.>" she responded.

We kept talking about different school stuffs and she also asked me how I met Tsukishima so I started telling her the whole story.

"Well Sune, when I was a small little boy I used to get bullied...a lot...because of my freckles. One time three kids where bullying me in a park close to school, they throwed my back pack at my face and said some rude stuff, and then is where Tsukishima appeared, I know you are probably thinking that Tsuki made a whole hero entrance and stopped the boys ajaj, but it wasn't like that. He just walked nearby and started watching, as the three kids asked him what was wrong and Tsuki just said that it was pathetic, and then he just left. After that I was seeing a volleyball practice and I found him over there, and since then we are friends" I said as Sune just listened in silence.

After some time we finally got to my house and I showed her around my room, pointing out the bathroom so she could go change herself. As she entered the bathroom I also started changing myself, it was quite adorable when she said plants suit me, probably because of my green hair I guess. Green hair and brunette, as I said before that combinations reminds you of the greatest and the most beautiful forests you had ever seen.

When I was getting over with putting on my sweater, Sune walked out. Yes, sune walked out and it was the most embarrassing thing that had happened to me, she apologized while she covered her face and I immediately finished putting my sweater on.

"Don't worry about it" I said in between small laughs that escaped my lips. "Well lets get going!" I said while I grabbed Sune's hand to escort her to the entrance. "We don't want to keep that coffee date waiting" Oh no, I just told her that I think of this as a date- that is bad, what if she doesn't want it to be a date.

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