Chapter 10

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Sune's pov:

I woke up with the warmest feeling I had ever felt, Yamaguchi's head was in between the crook of my neck and I could sense his breathing hit against my warm skin. My leg was in between his and I could feel his hair making my nose have small tickles. I don't know how we ended like this, since when I came here he was the one holding me, but I wont complain about it. I felt my hand slowly doing small circles in Yamaguchi's back so he would wake up, but unfortunately he didn't wake up, so I went back to sleep.


When I wake up, I realized Yamaguchi wasn't around, I examined his room and tried to see if he would appear. I was then staring at my new shoes when I heard the door open and a delicious smell reached my nose. Yamaguchi had walked in with some pancakes and with the brightest smile I had perceived so far.

"Good morning! Im glad you are finally up, I made us some pancakes."

He gave me a perfectly made pancake topped with three small blueberries, a small pie of banana and some nicely cut strawberries.

"Thank you, Guchi!"


"Yeahh, like the brand Gucci"

He laughed and gave me a small hug, I responded this hug and placed my head in the crook of his neck.

"Sune, did you hear my question last night?" He asked.

I looked at him in confusement, "What question are you talking about?"

He then sat next to me and took a long and deep breath, "Well Sune, this is probably shocking or you probably already knew, but....I like you, since the day we first met I have been invested in getting to know you. I knew its totally out of context, and its alright if you don't like me back. I just needed to tell you and get it out of my chest, because you are the person that gives me butterflies and makes me smile the most".

I looked at him in disbelief, "What are you-" I was confused at the moment but then I realized, "Yamaguchi... I don't know what to say.." I leaned over to him, " I...started having feelings for you a while ago actually...but I don't know...I feel like its rushed, I would like to get to know you more before we start going out or something like that, then we can try it out"

He then grabbed my cheek and spoke a question I was expecting a lot since days ago.

"Sune, can I kiss you?"

I leaned forward in response, and he pulled me closer to him. I then felt the sensation of his soft lips placing in mine. This moment felt so magical and calm, as if it was only us in the world. I placed my hand in the back of his head and pulled him closer in an act of craving and necessity, soon after I felt his hand going down from my cheek to my neck and then continuing with his head. I felt him giving me small kisses and also hickeys, and it was an amazing feeling. Everything felt amazing...until Tsukishima entered the room and we pulled apart immediately.

"OH MY GOD TSUKISHIMA KEI" I screamed in horror of the sudden entrance of the blonde tall guy.

"TSUKI- you scared us" Yamaguchi said in confusement.

Tsukishima rested his bag on the floor, "Pathetic. If you want to keep fucking Ill just leave."

Yamaguchi and I got totally flustered and we looked like tomatoes, but I decided to joke about the situation.

"Oh? Then leave, I don't have any problem."

Tsuki then grabbed his bag and stepped out of the room while closing the door. Yamaguchi looked out the window and saw him walking on the street, then he turned and looked at me, "So, where were we?" He said while he leaned on top of me.

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