Roller Coaster(Hex)

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*slams one-shot on desk* I HAVE COME WITH MORE HEX-

Another irl au?? Why am I writing so many?? 

No tw, unless acrophobia(fear of heights) is one- I don't think it is though...

Xae stood at the entrance to the amusement park, they glanced over at Xisuma and Hels. Xisuma had offered to take Hels off of Wels' hands while he studied for a final. Hels could definitely be a bit much for one person to handle, even if he was the exact same age as Wels, Xisuma and Xae. Now Xisuma was escorting the duo through an amusement park.

"Let's go to the roller coaster!" Said Hels, he grabbed Xae's hand. Xae hadn't even payed attention to the words, all they could think about was Hels, holding their hand, in public. They must have been bright red as the knight pulled him through the park. 

Xisuma followed close behind. The group eventually  reached the line for the roller coaster. Xae looked up at it nervously, they were afraid of heights, no one except for Xisuma knew this.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Asked Xisuma, he glanced over Xae who was still staring at the ginormous roller coaster. Xae looked back down at their hand in Hels' and the redness returned.


"Okay, here's some tickets," Xisuma handed Hels the tickets, "I'll be over by the food court when you're done." The brunette turned around and walked away. Xae looked back up at the roller coaster and badly wanted to leave with Xisuma. But they stayed, they wanted to make Hels happy.

When they finally reached the front of the line Xae was terrified. The only thing holding them back was Hels' hand holding them in place. Hels looked over at Xae and stopped when he saw the look on the snow-haired boy's face.

"Is something wrong?" Xae glanced over at Hels.

"Nope, everything is fine!"

"If there's something bothering-"

"I said it's fine, look it's our turn!" It took all of Xae's will power to step into the small car. They and Hels were strapped in and they sat, trying not hyperventilate. It started moving, there was no going back. They glanced over at Hels, he was sitting excited, almost like a child on a play ground, having fun.

The car reached the top, about to start heading down. Xae shut their eyes, and clinged onto Hels for dear life. He felt them starting to down hill with incredible speed.

"Xae, what's wrong?" Xae just held on tighter.

"I'm scared," they mumbled, "I'm scared of heights." Xae felt tears prick the corners of their eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's a stupid fear..."(this is just a result of Xae's character- it is not a dumb fear, I actually have in myself, not as severe as I am writing it for Xae though.)

"What made you think that?" Xae opened their eyes again, the car had finally reached the end, Hels was sitting there hugging, them. Xae felt theirself go bright red for the third time that afternoon.

"Get off-" the said quickly shoving the dirty blond off, jumping out of the car. Hels also got out and the two silently walked towards the food court to find Xisuma.


Xae and Hels were sitting in the backseat of Xisuma's car as they were being driven home.

"I'm sorry about uh...earlier," said Hels, he glanced at the floor.

"It's fine, I should have told you."

"Why didn't you, besides you think thinking it's a dumb fear."

"I... your just so, amazing that... I just didn't want to disappoint you." The car stopped, they had arrived at Hels' house.

"You know... you've never disappointed me, and out of the two of us, I think I'd say you're definitely the cooler one." Hels leaned over and planted a small kiss on Xae's cheek. Xae felt like sing and dancing and skipping around with joy.

Before Xae could react Hels abruptly got out of the vehicle and shut the door, leaving Xae alone with Xisuma. Xisuma turned around to look at Xae.

"What was that about?" He asked in a teasing way.

"None of your business," grumbled Xae sliding down in their seat. Xisuma turned around and continued driving. All Xae though about for the rest of the night was a certain boy with reddish-orange eyes and dirty blond hair.

703 words. Why am I so happy with the results? Also this is my third one-shot today... I am on a roll.

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