Chapter 3

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***3AM Currently***
**Lyzies POV**

Im laying in bed singing. To my cat. I can't sleep. The thought of Andy haunts my dreams. Do I like him? I don't know. I lay face first into my pillow. And I close my eye. I can still feel Andy's lips on mine. His soft lips. I jump when I hear a knock on my window. I hope the dogs don't wake up and kill someone. I move my curtain and I see andy. I open the window and let him in. "What in the fuck do you think your doing here?!!" I whisper-yell. "This." He says. Trying to kiss me. I push him off. "Andy i cant. We're not the same and we can't be." I say harshly. "I don't want us to be the same. I love the way you already are." He says with kindness. "You're just horny." I say. "Maybe. But I am here to say this. Run away with me Elizabeth. I think were perfect." He says as he looks into my eyes. "Andy, love I want to but I don't think I can." I say sadly. Tears start to form in my eyes. He hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead. "Andy." I say as I let go. "Lets do this." I say reluctantly. "You want to?" He ask. "Yes. Lets get some stuff together and put the cat out. Let my parents think I'm with Lynn." I say. I get my stuff together, leave a note and put the cat out. I grab my bag and go out of the window with Andy. He takes my hand and leads me to the front of the house. We get in his car. He starts it and we leave. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Where do you want to go?" He answers. I hold his hand and smile. "We're rebels." I say. "Lets make some memories. Lets make our own love song." I say with a smirk. "So lets go to the boardwalk. I wanna go to the beach." Andy says with a smile. LYou're so lucky i grabbed a bikini. Or you're still horny?" I say while laughing. "Ehh a bit of both." He replies. Theres silence for a few minutes. "Andy?" I ask. "Yes beautiful?" He answers. "Did you really mean it? When you called us perfect." "I mean everything I say to you. From fuck you to beautiful." He says. "Thank you love." I say. I fall asleep. I wake up to Andy kissing my jaw. "Baby were here." He says softly. "Mhmm yeah just keep doing that." I say and giggle. I've never giggled like that. Its weird. He starts to make his way up to my lips. He kisses my softly and then harder. I push my seat up while kissing him. I sit up. He pulls away smiling. "What?" I ask. "You talk in your sleep." He replies. "And what did i say?" I ask again. "Naughty naughty things hun." He says smirking.
"You know i don't do blowjobs Andy." I say laughing. "Lets go walk on the beach." I say. I make Andy get out of the car as I change in my bikini and one of his shirts. I get out of the car and he's in swim trunks and no shirt. "I like shirtless Andy." I say while looking at the few tattoos he has at the time. "Come on babe." He's says extending his hand. We walk to the beach and its beautiful. No one is there. Being that school is still in.

***Back In The Suburbs***
**Anthony's POV**

I get to school with 45 minutes before the first bell. Im looking for Lyzie. Last night I got into a fight with Lina last night. Were through. I know Lyz had a crush on me. Ive always wanted to hit that. But i couldn't. We have made out before but never as a thing. I walk around until I found Ashlynn. "Where's Lyz?" I ask. "I thought you would know." Lynn replies coldly. "Oh well I don't." I say as I see the rivals walk our way. Ashley walks up to Ashlynn and grabs her hand. "Im confused." "Love, have you seen Andy anywhere?" He ask. "No, hun I was going to ask you if you have seen Lyz." She says pulling her hand away. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jessie says. "Is that stupid rebel running around with my friend?!" "Probably." Ashley says. "He's had a crush on her for a while." CC says. "I caught them making out yesterday." Jinxx adds. Well I guess she runnin around with some douche. I lost her. That was my last chance. "Shes dead." I hear the girls say in unison. And I walk away to go find Lina.

**Ashlynn's POV**

After 30 times of trying to call Lyzie she finally picked up. "Lyzie dad needs to talk to you." I say. "Oh okay." She said. I handed my phone to dad. "Elizabeth you better get over here quick or you're in big trouble. We need to talk. You've never almost missed a hunt. You better get here soon or we're finding you." He says. I heard her say something un-audible. They said goodbye and they hung up. He handed my phone back. "Go get ready Kiddo." I nod and go up to my room to get ready.

**Lyzie's POV**

Good thing we're only around the corner from her house. I would never ever ever miss a hunt. "Andy hun, drop me off at Lynn's." I say. He nodded and made his way over there.

I kissed him goodbye and walked out of the car. I walked in the house, "Dad im here!" I yelled. "Go get ready with Lynn!" He yells from his room. I run up to Lynn's room to get ready with her.

**An Hour Later**

**Ashlynn's POV**

I help Lyzie with her 'warpaint'. We just do what the baseball people do, the two black lines. She's not the best at it so i just do it. I went into the book room to see my mom. "Hey mom." I said. "Hi honey." She said as she set her book down, The Potions Of A Bewitching Mother. Yes my moms a witch but shes not all green and weird. "Sweetie," she said as she put her hands on my shoulders, "You're never this nervous before a hunt." She said. She has nothing against the Purdy's or vamps. "Well my I guess he's in between a summer-fling and a boyfriend. He's a vamp and I love him a lot. He knows and I don't want to hurt him or have dad hurt him." I said sighing. "Isn't he that Purdy boy?" She asked smiling. I nodded. "Well sweetie you'll be okay. Everything will work out I promise." She said. I smiled "Thanks mom." She hugged me, "Its no problem sweetie." She let go and sighed, "I gotta get back to reading, your aunt will kill me if i dint finish this book." She chucked. I nodded and walked to the living room where dad and Lyzie were with the gear. The wooden steaks and garlic aren't what kills a vampire. I use a katana, Dad uses a gun and Lyzie uses a bow and arrow thing. We got geared up and we headed for the forest that is behind the house.

**at the forest**

I split from the group looking for Ashley. I finally find him by a tree. I smiled and kisses him. "Hi baby girl." He said. "Hey bloodsucker." I giggled. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Hopefully your dad doesn't find us." He smiled. We sat and talked for an hour until we heard something in the bushes. I stand up and grab my katana and look around. "Hey fuckface put down the oversized steak knife its just me and Andy." Lyzie's sarcastic voice yelled. I rolled my eyes and put it back. "What do you want?" I asked them. "To get away from your dad. I just saw him kill a group of blood lovers." She said shuddering. "Thats dad for ya."

We all sat around talking but then I heard something but I ignored it. Then i heard it. Dads gun. I stood up and then Ashley stood up. I kissed him passionately. "Babe I have to do this." I said as i laid him down and found a sharp rock. I cut my forearm deep enough and i put some blood on him. Remember vampires blood and full moons are no nos. I put some blood on the katana and cleaned my arm the best I could do. Ash grabs my arm and tried to bite it. I pull my arm away and sighed in relief. Thank god he didn't bite me. Lyzie put some of the blood on Andy and an arrow. Dad came by and looked at us. "You got two already. Let me make sure they're dead." He said as he went over to Andy. He seemed dead enough. When he went over to Ashley he accidentally twitched making my dad pull out his gun. "Dad no!" I said he pulled me back and Ashley let it happen. The bullet almost got him but he rolled over and stood up. I ran in front of Ash. "Dad don't hurt him." I said holding Ashley's hand. "Lynn get away from him." Dad said coldly. "No. You kill me before you kill him." I said as Ash went back to human. Dad pushed me aside and shot the gun. I jumped in front of it and it hit my stomach area. Thats all I remembered before i blacked out.

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