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"I can't be pregnant" I mumbled looking down at the pregnancy test in my hands.

Two lines.


"Oh God" I exasperated throwing the stick in the trash bin as I rip open another test to confirm my suspicions.


"I'm gonna throw up" I tell myself feeling a wave of sickness wash over me.

Knock, knock.

"Wanda!" A deep male voice called out from the other side of the hotel door.

"Open up" He added more quietly as my quivering hands reached the doorknob.

I swung open the door to let him in and as soon as his eyes landed on me they creased in concern.

"Wh-what happen?" He asks softly lifting my chin up as he pulls himself closer to me.

"Stephen" I mumble nervously as he looks at me expectantly.

"What's wrong love?" He asks me stroking my cheek tenderly.

"I'm-I'm pregnant..." I tell him as I open my hands to reveal the stick confirming my pregnancy.

It was silent for several minutes, only our breaths filling the silence as we both stare at it.

"We have to protect our baby at all costs"  Stephen mumbles as he places a hand on my belly while I nod my head in agreement.

"And that we will. No one will ever harm this baby. Over my dead body" I growl angrily thinking of people wanting to harm it.

"Over our dead body" He confirms 

"We're having this baby?" He asks me with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Yes" I smile as I rub my belly with a happiness and a new found love I've never known before.

"No one can know that she exists" I tell him as he knits his eyebrows together. "She?" He perks at my use of pronouns.

"I have a feeling it's a girl" I grin looking down at my stomach.

"Then we must protect our baby girl at all cost" He assures me as I sigh anxiously.

"Do you think she will be okay?" I ask him softly as he sighs with sad eyes.

"Everyone will come after her" He replies as I bite my lower lip.

"But no one will succeed" I tell him fiercely.


6 years later

"It is time. You have to let her go" Stephen mumbles in my ear as I cling to my sleeping daughter in my arms.

"I shouldn't have to let my own daughter go.  And yet keeping her as far away as possible from the both of us is the only way to keep her safe. To keep her alive." I cry as I ran my hands through her soft hair.

"We knew this day would come" He cries silently with a few tears running down his face.

"It doesn't make it any easier. One day, when she does find out about us, she will think we abandoned her. She'll think that we didn't want her, that we didn't love her. And we won't even be able to explain to her that we had to send her away for her own good" I continue crying as I look towards him.

"One day, we will all meet again, and then we will tell her everything" He tries to reassure me kissing the top of my head.

"She will hate us" I argued "And she won't want to hear our excuses" I tell him as he shakes his head.

"We don't have a choice. If she stays she'll die, but at least if we send her to different universes and keep her moving through the multiverse, they won't ever find her" He reminds me as my quivering lips kissed my daughter's forehead.

"She won't ever have a family. She won't ever be able to stay anywhere long enough to call some place her home" I sniffle back my tears as Stephen rubs my back comfortingly.

"We are doing this for her own good. Once she's old enough, she will start piecing things together. Her powers will naturally break through the dampening spell and only then will we know she will be ready to come back home." He tells me as he grabs our daughter from my arms as her unconscious body was lifted ever so carefully from me.

"She will return to us" I remind myself to ease my growing pain as Stephen nods.

"And we have to make sure we're both alive until that time comes" He mumbles while pulling me closer to his side.

"I'm ready" I tell him fisting my hands together as he nods as we all embrace each other one last time.

"Mommy and daddy love you baby girl. And I want you to remember that always Stella" I whisper in her ear as I suppress all her childhood memories to the back of her subconscious to ensure blocking all recollecting of us will keep others from tracking her. She won't even remember her name for her own safety.

At least for now.

"I will protect you in every reality, every world, and every universe" I mumble as I open a portal and carefully drag her to another timeline.

"We will see you soon Stella. We promise" I tell her as Stephen pulls me close to him as the portal vanishes before our eyes.

Oh my beautiful Stella,

I find a piece of you hidden in all things that are beautiful. I will always love you. Even from a distance my baby girl.


Hello my beautiful readers,

What do you think so far of this fanfic? If you come from reading the first story "If I Remember You", then you might already know a little bit about Wanda's daughter.

I am looking forward to developing this story because it has so much potential and creative freedom. 

With love & gratitude,


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