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I woke up to the sound of a yawn.

I looked up to see Camilo, sitting next to me on the bed. He was reading a book. I slowly sat up and touched his shoulder.

"Morning, darlin-" He paused. "Holy shit, are you cold? That shirt is thin."

"Yeah, but I'll be fine." I said. He promptly got up and walked over to his closet, grabbing a jacket. "Hmm,"

"Take it," He offered, as he held the hoodie towards me. I grabbed it and slipped it over myself.

"You need anything else?" He asked, with a concerned, but caring, tone. "Whatever you want."

I smiled. "More sleep," I said with a sarcastic tone.

I watched him grin at me, as he picked up a shirt off the ground and placed it into his drawer.

Camilo was handsome, no denying it, but he wasn't my type. He was cocky, and arrogant. But sometimes he is such a sweetheart, which is totally my type.

We shared a few glances at each other before he finally smirked at me. I tried to give him my best, 'hey-I'm-so-into-you' looks, but he just walked away, smiling like usual.

Hours passed by, and I think I may haven fallen asleep again. I heard a sudden knock on the door before prompting myself up and seeing Camilo walk in.

"Hey there. Get ready, we're going out." He grinned.

I slide on his hoodie and put my hair into a messy bun before saying, "Out?"

"Yes," He paused and inspected me with a faint blush on his cheeks. "Well, not really. We're having dinner."

"Ah, I see." I said, sitting on the bed with a sinister look on my face. He inched closer towards me, until he was hovering over me with a smirk.

"What are you doing-" I was interrupted by Camilo pushing me against the bedroom wall and pinning me. What the actual fuck is going on?

"Hi..." I said, our lips inches apart. I resisted the temptation of kissing him. "How did this escalate so quickly?"

"Just give me five minutes." He demanded with a soft tone. He whispered in my ear, inching closer.

Five fucking minutes? To do what? Was this man really going to fuc-

"To make out with you." He whispered into my ear.

How did this escalate so quickly? Is he delusional? Is he dreaming? What was going on?

Though, a makeout session sounded nice. I need a distraction from the world right now, and I did consider, earlier, about being into Camilo. I stared in his eyes and gave him a slight nod before he brushed his lips onto mine.

He softly kissed me, took a minute to breath and look into my eyes, before fully making out with me. He slowly, and gentle, kissed me. It was passionate, gentle, and delightful. Butterflies whirled in my stomach.

Suddenly, our tongues were involved. Oh fucking lord. We both started breathing heavily as our tongues had a thumb war, or something? He continued to kiss me with tongue until we took a break. He smirked sinisterly and his eyes examined how out of breath I was.

His face turned pink, his eyes widened, and then he sprung up. I looked at him weirdly, and curiously. Was he okay?

"Fuck, Y/N." He gasped for air. He covered his hand with his mouth.

"This isn't a dream?"

Rain / Camilo x Reader / ENCANTO~Where stories live. Discover now