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<song: APINK - Like!
(in case you can't see it) >

Next Wednesday afternoon, there came the event that Jungwon feared the most during the whole week - tutoring.

Today for the first time, Yiseul would be joining him. She managed to cop out the past two weeks, but Mrs. Kwon asked on Monday after class how was the tutoring going and Yiseul realized she can't skip classes anymore (not like Heeseung didn't tell her that countless times before).

"Do you think he can concentrate on teaching us Geography and Korean at the same time? Maybe we could make an agreement?" The Japanese girl planned while she was sitting in the library with Jungwon, waiting for Heeseung.
"He could tutor you every first week and tutor me on every second."

"Come on, Seul. What can't the fucker do?" The ex-student council member waved.

"Arrive on time." The girl murmured, looking at her phone. It was 17:38 and tutoring was supposed to start at 17:30.

"I waited for 15 minutes last week." The junior shrugged, Yiseul's eyes widening. She would never put up with such bullshit.

"And what did you do while waiting?"

"Slept with his eyes open like he always does in tutoring classes." A voice spoke from behind them.

The voice belonged to Heeseung as he stroded into the library with a cup of coffee, carrying his backpack on one shoulder.
"Sorry for the wait, there was a big line in the café."

"I literally cleaned every single sweatdrop off the locker room's nasty floor while you fucking went to get coffee?" Jungwon slapped the table. Luckily, they were the only students in the library so the librarian didn't bother to scold them.

"Hey, hey. You made that stupid bet, you deserved the punishment."

"For once, he's right." Yiseul nodded, making her classmate smile brightly. She then opened her Geography notebook.
"Okay, let's get over this quickly. I don't have time to waste."

"Alright, alright. Jungwon, give me the sheet I told you to complete last time. While I correct it, open your book at the page you last read in class. Yiseul, try to gather everything you know about the relief of Hungary."

"Hu- What?!" The half Japanese girl widened her eyes, both because of how unexpectedly collected Heeseung seemed about tutoring and because she had no idea what the boy was talking about.

"Hungary. Our next test is about the geography of Middle Europe, isn't it?"

"I, uh, maybe. Frankly, I have no idea.' She shrugged.

"This is why I'm tutoring you, Seul." Heeseung grinned, earning a slap on the shoulder from the girl both because of the masked insult and the nickname (which was commonly used by their other friends, so it was surprising why she got mad at Heeseung for saying it).

Surprisingly, the sheet Jungwon had completed as 'homework' was almost perfect.

After going over the mistakes, the two boys began to go over the last lesson's material, clearing up everything the younger didn't understand in class.

Heeseung was in the middle of explaining, reading something from the ex-student council member's book when suddenly, slurping noises could be heard.

"And as I said before, I- What was that?"

He looked up to see Jungwon taking a ship from his coffee, unbothered.

"Excuse me?!" Heeseung put down his pen and crossed his arms, demanding an answer.

"What? You'd rather I don't fall asleep in the middle of tutoring, wouldn't you?" The younger raised his one of his eyebrows.

"Well, no matter how reasonable you try to make it sound, I don't fancy you stealing my coffee." The student council president narrowed his eyes.
"Just go and buy some."

"Really?" Jungwon widened his eyes, thinking the boy would behead him if he dared to leave tutoring class before.

"Yeah, I will just start tutoring Yiseul."

"Bye, I'm out." The youngest grabbed his wallet and phone then stood up and exited the library as fast as he could. Let's be honest, he wasn't that excited about coffee itself.

"Now that it's only the two of us.." Heeseung turned to the half Japanese girl with a grin, only to have cold water poured on his enthusiasm.

"Fuck off."

"Okay, let's get started. Um.. Do you have a map?" The boy asked, but then he put on a smile, looking into Yiseul's eyes for an exceptionally long time.

"I- What?" She really didn't understand what Heeseung was trying to say. They had maps in their Geography book.

"I need a map because I keep getting lost in your eyes." The student council president grinned, throwing in a pick up line out of nowhere.

"Bye, I'm buying coffee too." The girl stood up, pissed.

She didn't actually want coffee so she didn't object when the boy made her sit down again by pulling her arm.
"Sorry, sorry. It just slipped out." He winked, making the girl roll her eyes.

"Yeah, you better shut up."

"Okay, so what to you know about Hungary's relief?" The boy changed the topic, finally talking about what they were supposed to during tutoring.

"They, uh, grow paprika."

Heeseung sighed.
"True but I asked about their relief. Come on, you only need to name one river and one range of mountains."

"Uh, the Alps?"

The two were in the middle of revising Middle Europe's relief when Jungwon got back from his little trip to the café.

He also had a snackbar with himself which was quite suspicious because they didn't sell snacks at the café.

"You could've at least get me something if you stayed out for, like, half an hour." Yiseul mumbled, salty that she was left alone with Heeseung therefore was forced to study.

"Too late. Drink Heeseung's coffee." The ex-student council member shrugged while sitting down and opening his snackbar's wrapper.

"No!" The oldest reached out to his precious coffee protectingly before thinking about it and changing his mind.
"I mean.. If you really want to. I don't want people to fall asleep during my tutoring sessions." He added with a scoff (as if that was his only reason for offering the girl his drink).

"No, thanks. I don't really like coffee." Yiseul refused, actually telling the truth. Now that they thought about it, the boys never ever saw her with a coffee cup in her hand.

However, not wanting to drink coffee didn't mean the girl didn't want to eat anything so she helped herself to Jungwon's snackbar, grabbing it from the boy's hands and taking a bite.

"Hey! I didn't say you can have a bite!'

<if there was a zombie apocalypse, which enha member do you think would survive the longest? My bet is either Jay or Jungwon

Also this is a shorter chapter bc the last one (two) were very long>

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