1 (pov from willow)

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 I cheer only for her, the way her hips move when she is playing and the way her hair looks tied back gives me a feeling no boy gives me. Her name is Nova, she is #34 and the caption of the basketball team. I quickly snap out of it and keep doing my cheer. They lock eyes with me every time they get a basket, but I don't stare back at them. After the game I see her with her family, but then she walks away and don't see her for the rest of the day. The week goes by in a flash with little of seeing her, but at least the junior trip is coming up. The junior trip is this big trip that everyone goes to, this year it is in New York and it's for a week. We all get a hotel room that we have to share with someone. God I hope I get someone good or else I'll be drunk the whole week. Whoever we get paired up with we have to do everything with them. Eat, share a room, we can't go anywhere without them. I hear the bell ring saying it's finally lunch time. I go to my locker and grab my normal lunch, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and rush to my normal seat underneath a big old oak true where I can read in piece. I go and sit there and read my mafia romance story about the leaders daughter being forced into marring a crazy man twice her age to stop war and save her hole family. I hear a basketball bounce and I look up from my book to see Nova coming out of the lunch doors with her friends, I watch her do a few tricks, then lock eyes with her. I quickly look back to my book, blushing realizing she knew I was staring at her. I feel a shadow towering over me, "Stalking me are you?" A soft and even voice says laughing with a dumb grin across her face. I feel my face turning a deep shade of red, "I'm just joking" She says with a chuckle, before I can compose myself to talk to her, I hear someone call her name and she jogs over to them. Dam it, I missed my chance to talk to her. I clean up my lunch, head inside, and go to my locker so I can grab my english book before next class. English class is boring has always, but it goes by quickly thankfully. I head out in the hallway, and hear my name called has my best friend ben makes his way over. "Hey Oliver, what's up?" I ask has he looks more pumped up them normal. "Do you remember Alex?" He says, "Of course I remember Alex, you have had a crush on him since like 5th grade." He gives me a look then quickly says excitedly "Yes wellll I found out I'm roommates with him for the trip!!!" The bell rings and Oliver leaves with a bye. Can you imagine being roommates with your crush. I felt so happy for Olive has I walk out the school. I see Nova on her motorcycle with her friends crowed around her. I head home and somehow fall asleep while doing my homework. 

The next day is a Friday, that means we are leaving for our junior trip soon. We all go to the cafe when they say the buses are here over the loudspeaker. When we get there, there is a list of names on each table by homeroom. I go over and find my homeroom table, I wonder who my roommate will be for the week. No, no, no, I feel my heart stopping. My ROOMMATE IS NOVA. I turn to look for her and I see her right behind me. "Hey Willow" She says has she looks me up and down. OMG she knows my name, I could faint right there if I didn't know how embarrassing it would be.  

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