10: Nobody Nose

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I have a question

Is Zeros too stereotypical college lams soulmate au?? Or is it actually different??

Now onto the chapter lmao


Alex and I both miss our classes on Wednesday. Me, because I'm really tired, and Alex, because his nose takes up a third of his face. Lafayette leaves before we wake up because their Wednesdays are always stacked with classes, but they leave a note saying they'll stop by again after classes to see how he's doing. Alex is going to get so much crap for his nose when everyone else sees it.

I end up bringing him to the Immediate Care place on campus, and luckily, I don't have to pay too much for the doctor to look at his nose. Alex gets a whole gauze contraption placed on his face and then is given a prescription for pain medicine that we pick up at the pharmacy that's also on campus. The doctor tells him that he has to stay home from school until next week. I can tell he hates that he didn't go to class in the morning, so staying in the dorm for four more days is going to be torture. I put up a reminder in my head to ask Thomas for any law homework they get.

I'm a little nervous because Francis still hasn't texted me back yet. I'm not sure if he saw me last night, and if he did, I honestly have no clue what might happen anymore. There's nothing I can prepare for because this shift in his personality was so unexpected. I just have to hope he's civil when he does decide to answer.

I glance at my laptop every so often, fiddling with my fingers and trying to decide if emailing my father back is the best option. I don't tell Alex about my worries, but whenever he looks at me weird for staring at Beth for too long, I tease him about the white clown nose he has until he goes away.

Alex and I mostly just hang out for the day, until I decide that it's time to head to Peggy's dorm. I tell Alex to call me if he needs anything, realize he doesn't even have my phone number, punch it in his phone, and head upstairs to the bigger dorms and Peggy.

I knock on the door and Eliza opens it.

How much does she know?

"How dare you!" She yells accusingly, pointing a sharply-nailed finger at me. "How dare you ever come here after what you did! It's your fault Alexander doesn't love me. You took him away!"

The shock fills my body, leaving me frozen in place while her pointed nail comes quite close to cutting my cheek. "It's all your fault! You're an asshole, John Laurens!" Eliza's face is seeping rage, her expression tight and the anger irrepressible.

"Wha- Eliza, I-"

"He said it was all your fault! You went to him, you kissed him, you did all of those things and Alexander told me so himself. You've got him under some sort of spell, or something! Just leave him alone! Alex and I are soulmates, for God's sake!"

He told her that? My heart starts to shrink in my chest. I can't believe he'd say that. He wouldn't.

"Didn't Alex tell you that you weren't!?"

"I was looking at my wrist. He's my soulmate. Do these zeros not tell you anything!?" She holds up her arm, pointing aggressively at a timer that's still got weeks left on it. But... that's impossible. I take a step back, my mouth opening from surprise.

"Eliza... Your timer."

"What?" She flips her wrist around and her eyes bulge. "Holy hell. Holy crap. Holy shit." Eliza steps inside her dorm again and slams the door shut. There's hustling from inside, a scream (should I be worried?) and then Peggy opens the door thing time, her arms crossed.

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