Chapter 22.

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Hoseok's POV 

I'm so fucking annoyed right now. 

All I can hear and see is Jungkook asking for Diana. 

Why is he asking so much about her? 

Why isn't he asking for Jin? Or Joon? Or Jimin? Or any of us? 

Why her? 

What has she done that we haven't done for him? 

I got into the car, ignoring the stares I got from the boys, even ignoring Joon calling my name to ask me what happened. 

If I talk to them, I'm gonna explode. 

They do not need to know that I'm annoyed and that I'm so mad and so... 

I don't know exactly what I'm feeling, I just know I cannot talk about it with them. 

I know for a fact that Emily will make me talk to her once she comes inside. 

I won't have a say in it, I'll have to tell her how I feel. 

When she came inside she was silence at first, as we got out of the hospital parking lot. 

"Okay, spill it. What's going on with you?" She asks, as she was concentrated on the road. 

I sigh as I passed my hands over my face in frustration. 

"I'm so annoyed. Honestly. Why is Jungkook asking for fucking Diana and not for any of the rest of the boys? What has she done that we haven't done already for him? We've been with him through most of his life, taking care of him and he cares more about stupid Diana-" 

"Oh Hoseok..." I look at Emily when I heard her laugh a little bit, making me widened my eyes. 

Why is she laughing? 

"Do you think this is funny?" 

"No no of course not, but I think you are jealous." 

My mouth hung open as I register her words. 

I'm jealous? Jealous of what? 

"Jealous of what?" 

"Of Jungkook. You want him to be kind of like all over you and the boys, you want him to stay yours forever, kind of like a brother figure for him. You still all are, I'm sure of it, but Diana means something else to him, that it's different from that." 

I began to think what she could mean by 'something else'. But nothing came to me. 

"He likes her Hoseok. He likes Diana as more than a brother/sister bond. As more than just a friend or just a stranger. He likes her, like when you began to feel that for me." 

The fuck. 

Is she serious? 

Jungkook doesn't fall for someone. 

"He is not that type of person to just fall for someone." 

"How do you know? Maybe he was waiting for the right one, for someone that truly made an impact to him. Diana did, I don't see what's wrong with that." 

"Do you really think Diana is a good person? Jungkook knows nothing about him." How can Jungkook possibly fall for her if he doesn't even know her that well? 

"Maybe he doesn't even realized it yet, just because of that reason. But I'm a girl, I can tell when something is going on between two people, and something is definitely going on between Jungkook and Diana." 


Emily nodded just as we got to her house. 

"I'm gonna look for Diana okay? I need you to try and give her another chance. Be nice to her, okay? She hasn't done anything wrong. Just try to get to know her." Emily said as she leaned to my side to kiss me, which I gladly did back to her. 

"Sorry for getting like this..." I'm such a bad person. How or why did I possibly thought that making a big deal out of this right now was the right time? 

"It's okay, you should tell that to Jungkook though." 

"I will." She nodded and kissed me again, as she shut the door and I saw her going inside the house. 

Diana's POV 

I heard the door opening and I immediately got scared. 

It has to be Emily or Jungkook... or even Hoseok right? 

"EMILY?!" I kind of yelled, as I tried not to wake up Eliza. 

"YUP IT'S ME!" I heard her coming closer, but once I heard her voice, I relaxed. 

When she came inside, she looked at Eliza "Is she asleep?" I nodded and stood up. 

"How is he?" I haven't been able to stop thinking about Jungkook. 

"He... He's not at his best moment right now. But you know what he said?" I looked at her with confusion on my face. What did he say? "He wanted you to be there." 

"Why?" I was in shock. Why would he want me there? Again? I'm already here, at his house, which is way too much. Now he wants me in the hospital again to keep him company. 

"He cares about you Diana, I've told you this a million times. Can't you see it?" 

I look down at the ground as I seriously couldn't believe that someone like Jungkook would care about me. 

"He likes you Diana, even if he doesn't know it yet." 

"What? No! Of course not!" 

"Of course he does! Why do you think he doesn't?" 

"Why would he like me like that? I-I'm not the prettiest girl out there, I have nothing special, I'm normal..." 

"Oh Diana, you seriously don't know how beautiful you are, do you?" I kept looking at the ground now, because I'm ashamed. 

I've never been good enough for anyone, not even my parents. 

Suddenly a phone began to ring, and Emily answered hers.

"Yeah? Sorry, I'll tell her to come out. Okay, bye." She hanged up and kept looking at me. "Hoseok will drive you to the hospital, I'll stay with Eliza, okay?" 

I look up at her now and nodded. "Thank you Emily." 

"Of course. Tell me if anything and I mean anything, happens with Jungkook." 

I nodded again and then I realized... I'm gonna be alone in the car with Hoseok. 

Hoseok doesn't like me, I'm sure of it, I've felt like he even hates me most of the times. 

"Wait... why can't you drive me there and Hoseok can maybe stay here with Eliza?" 

"You'll be fine Diana." Emily smiled a little at me, knowing that I'm nervous to be alone with Hoseok. "I talked to him, he doesn't hate you." 

How does she know everything? 

"I also noticed how he doesn't really look at you or talked to you before, it wasn't hard to notice he isn't fond of you, but believe me when I say that he's willing to give you a second chance. Although you've done absolutely nothing wrong and he is the one who's getting a second chance from you." 

I like Emily, a lot, she gets me. 

"Thank you." 

She nodded and told me to go out before Hoseok flips out that I'm not out yet. 

The love continues (Unexpected love pt 2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now